The names are from this list:
Feel free to add parents, ages, surnames etc.
DS1: Callum, Drake, Forrest, Lynx, Murphy, Orion, Robin, Tiberius, Vale, Wolf
DS2: Ari, Barrett, Calix, Florian, Grover, Lowell, Oak, Phoenix, Roscoe, Slate
DS3: Birch, Connor, Flint, Gwydion, Jet, Lennox, Oscar, Philip, Ronan, Sky
DS4: Arthur, Caspian, Fisher, Hart, Lionel, Morgan, Onyx, Pike, Rhodes, Spruce
DS5: Brock, Colin, Finn, Hawthorne, Jupiter, Nevada, Oliver, Rafferty, Sage, Yarrow
DS6: Beckett, Dylan, Fox, Indigo, Leo, Marshall, Oberon, Peregrine, River, Sorrel