Family One
DW: Hazel Eszti (Szabó) [Abby.Ray & ArrowTheMonarch]
Surname- An adjective.
First Name- A name with a meaning that has to do with his hair color. You choose what it is. [Example: Finley means blonde.]
Middle Name- Your favorite “-ayden” name. Feel free to change the spelling if you would like.
Family Two
LN: Goodwin [breezebri]
DH: Gavyn John [breezebri]
Surname, First Name and Middle Name- Are all German in origin. Bonus Points if a part of her first and middle names are combined to make a nickname. [Example: Mildred Elsie = Millie]
Family Three
DW: Fawn Bryony Eve (Finch) [PrincessShannon & namelover55]
Surname- A popular last name that you think flows well with the rest of his name. Bonus Points if it also goes with Fawn.
First Name- A name that has a “negative” meaning.
Middle Name- A name with a meaning that is the opposite of his first. [Example: Ormod Dakarai means sadness and happiness.]
Family Four
DW: Iris Nadira (Khalil-Nelson) [EdgeOfTheMeadow & kidpix21]
Surname- Two words combined. [Example: Blackwood]
First Name and Middle Name- Both start with the same sound but end in different suffixes.
Family Five
DW: Dove Kensington (Roze) [fivebutterflies & lifesaboutmusic]
Surname- A virtue.
First Name- Your least favorite full name for your favorite nickname (which she will go by).
Middle Name- The longest girl’s name on your “Guilty Pleasures” list.
Family Six
DW: Clementine Olympia Beatrix “Cleo” (Kubrick) [VEL & holloway, missniwalyra]
Surname and Middle Name- Korean in origin.
First Name- A classic short (4 letters or less) name.