Family One
LN: Long [VEL]
DW: Hazel Eszti (Szabó) [Abby.Ray & ArrowTheMonarch]
DH: Rufus Aidan [VEL]
DS/DS: Tobias Oran “Toby”/ Elias Irving “Eli” [@lifesaboutmusic]
DD: Moriah Ruby “Moe” [@PrincessShannon]
First Name- Ends with the suffix “-iah” and has a nickname that flows well with her older siblings’.
Middle Name- A name with a meaning having to do with the color red.
Family Two
LN: Goodwin [breezebri]
DH: Gavyn John [breezebri]
DW: Klaudia Ariane “Klara” (Werner) [BeccaRhubarb]
DD/DD: Delilah Tatiana “Delta”/ Delaney Miriam “Demi” [BeccaRhubarb]
DD: Freya Bernadette “Reyna” [@missniwalyra]
First Name- Trendy like his sisters’ names but doesn’t start with a D, F or R.
Middle Name- German in origin. Bonus Points if parts of his first and middle name are combined to make a nickname. [Example: Mildred Elsie = Millie]
Family Three
LN: Evans [breezebri]
DW: Fawn Bryony Eve (Finch) [PrincessShannon & namelover55]
DH: Tristan Asher [breezebri]
DS/DS: Casimir Gabriel/ Ludwig Nathaniel [namelover55]
DS: Barnaby Ezekiel [@zkeeble]
First Name- A unique vintage name.
Middle Name- Biblical and ends with a different suffix than her brothers.
Family Four
LN: Meadowchurch [SuzieKim]
DW: Iris Nadira (Khalil-Nelson) [EdgeOfTheMeadow & kidpix21]
DH: Jonty Joseph [SuzieKim]
DD/DS: Liam Lorenzo/ Mila Margaret [breezebri]
DD: Cora Charlotte [@Gingilocks101]
First Name- A four letter name that could be a nickname but works as a full name too.
Middle Name- Starts with the same letter as his first name.
Family Five
LN: Earnest [PrincessShannon]
DW: Dove Kensington (Roze) [fivebutterflies & lifesaboutmusic]
DW: Honora AnnaScarlett “Nora” [PrincessShannon]
DS/DD: Valor Étienne/ Lilac Everild [VEL]
DS: Arrow Zeddicus [@BeccaRhubarb]
First Names- Word names that flow well with the rest of their names.
Middle Names- Names on your “Guilty Pleasures” list that start with the same letter, and you think flow well with the rest of their siblings’ middle names.
Family Six
LN: Kim [lifesaboutmusic]
DW: Clementine Olympia Beatrix “Cleo” (Kubrick) [VEL & holloway, missniwalyra]
DH: Luke Dae-Ho [lifesaboutmusic]
DD/DD: Iona Sadie Min-Seo/ Juneau Scout Chae-Won [missniwalyra]
DS: Athens Toby Ji-Hu [@VEL]
First Name- City name.
First Middle Name- A name that is usually considered a nickname.
Second Middle Name- Korean in origin.