Family One
LN: Long [VEL]
DH: Amias Linden “Ames” [VEL]
Surname- A variation of your last name that has been “kr8tively” spelt to the point that it is unrecognizable.
First Name- A specific kind of dessert. [Example: Praline]
Middle Name- Long (9 letters or more) and Italian in origin.
Family Two
DW: Delilah Tatiana “Delta” (Goodwin) [BeccaRhubarb & breezebri]
Surname- A brand name.
First Name- A popular name that has a nickname and flows well with the rest of his name.
Middle Name- The name you would give a (male) black cat if you adopted one today.
Family Three
LN: Evans [breezebri]
DH: Casimir Gabriel [namelover55]
Surname, First Name & Middle Name- Are all Turkish in origin.
Family Four
DW: Etta Evangeline (Meadowchurch) [Elevendy_Seven & SuzieKim]
Surname- A last name that is in the Top 10 surnames in the US.
First Name- The first name of a famous member of a boy band.
Middle Name- The name of a villain in a children’s movie.
Family Five
LN: Earnest [PrincessShannon]
DW: Amethyst Pandora [Gingilocks101]
Surname- The surname of a famous actress during the “Golden Age” in Hollywood.
First Name- A super trendy name that was virtually unheard of 10 years ago.
Middle Name- A longer (6 or more letters) filler.
Family Six
DW: Juneau Scout Chae-Won (Kim) [missniwalyra & lifesaboutmusic]
Surname, First Name & Middle Name- Are all Swedish in origin. The pronunciation of his first name should be “easy” for English speakers to “figure out”.