Family One
DW: Alice Delfina “Apple” (Long) [VEL]
Surname- A unisex name that is more feminine leaning.
First Name and Middle Name- Irish in origin.
Family Two
LN: Armani [gabhart]
DH: Solomon Iago “Sol” [Emmilux12]
Surname- The last name of the female lead in your favorite rom-com movie.
First Name- The first girl’s name that you fell in love with.
Middle Name- Starts with a U.
Family Three
DW: Livia Irmak (Evans) [Elevendy_Seven & breezebri]
Surname- A name that has to do with a famous restaurant chain.
First Name- A word name that has to do with science in some way.
Middle Name- Classic filler.
Family Four
LN: Jones-
DW: Sonata Jasmine (Jones) [SuzieKim & BeccaRhubarb]
Surname- The last name of your favorite teacher in elementary school.
First Name- A name with a meaning having to do with the sun. Bonus Points if it has a nickname that is considered unisex.
Middle Name- A name that has a meaning that has to do with the moon.
Family Five
LN: Earnest [PrincessShannon]
DH: Otto Leander [Abby.Ray]
Surname- The maiden name of a past US First Lady.
First Name- A nickname that ends in “-ie”.
Middle Name- A unique color name.
Family Six
DW: Ada-Marie Lovisa Haneul (Byqvist) [EdgeOfTheMeadow & VEL]
Surname- A genre of music.
First Name- Starts with the prefix “Tre-”.
Middle Name- Ends with the suffix “-ner”.