Family One
LN: Oakley [@moonwriteen]
DW: Alice Delfina “Apple” (Long) [VEL]
DH: Cillian Donnacha [@moonwriteen]
First Name- Honors a famous philosopher.
First Middle Name- Irish in origin.
Second Middle Name- Italian in origin.
Family Two
LN: Armani [gabhart]
DH: Solomon Iago “Sol” [Emmilux12]
DW: Isabella Undine (Brady) [@VEL]
First Name- A name from the Hunger Games universe.
Middle Name- Starts with an A, E, O, or Y.
Family Three
LN: Culver [@lifesaboutmusic]
DW: Livia Irmak (Evans) [Elevendy_Seven & breezebri]
DH: Zinc Matthew [@lifesaboutmusic]
First Name- Long (9 letters or more) and has a super short (3 letters or less) nickname.
Middle Name- Unique and vintage.
Family Four
LN: Williams-Jones [@BeccaRhubarb]
DW: Sonata Jasmine (Jones) [SuzieKim & BeccaRhubarb]
DP: Aurora Luna “Rory” (Williams) [@BeccaRhubarb]
First Name- A word name that has to do with writing.
Middle Name- A name that means “star”.
Family Five
LN: Earnest [PrincessShannon]
DH: Otto Leander [Abby.Ray]
DW: Lottie Azure (Goodhue) [@PrincessShannon]
First Names- Themed in some way. Please let me know what it is.
Middle Names- Your favorite variation of classic names that have been popular for a long time.
Family Six
LN: Folk [@missniwalyra]
DW: Ada-Marie Lovisa Haneul (Byqvist) [EdgeOfTheMeadow & VEL]
DH: Tremaine Gardiner [@missniwalyra]
First Name- Starts with the prefix “Mc”.
First Middle Name- A name that you think flows well with the rest of her name.
Second Middle Name- A long (7 letters or more) virtue name.