Skipper for a girl?

I think the name [name_m]Skipper[/name_m] is cute and unique for a girl! What do you guys think of the name? :slight_smile:

It reminds me of [name_f]Barbie[/name_f]'s younger sister, so I can see it on a girl, but apart from that it feels masculine since a lot of occupation names and surnames are boy names. It would feel fresh and interesting, a bit daring, on a boy.

I can see it as a girl, too. Personally, though, I see it as more of a nickname. It’s lively and cute, though, so if you really love it I’d say go for it.

Honestly, I think [name_m]Skipper[/name_m] only works for dogs and sailors.

I can picture it on a teenager whose kind of tomboyish, but I can’t picture it on a baby girl! Maybe as a nickname, although I’m not sure what for…

All I think of is [name_f]Barbie[/name_f]'s little sister, [name_m]Skipper[/name_m]. [name_m]Skipper[/name_m] was my favourite of the dolls and i have quite a few from when they still made her, but I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to use her name.

I also think of my aunt who’s from Australia. For my aunt, [name_m]Skipper[/name_m] is a nickname for [name_f]Sarah[/name_f], which I think is pretty cool :slight_smile:

I cant imagine this name on a real person, let alone a girl, sorry

I’ve actually met 2 people with [name_m]Skipper[/name_m] as their name, a boy and a girl! The boy was [name_m]Skipper[/name_m] growing up and [name_m]Skip[/name_m] in his teens and beyond. It was a nickname for both of them. The boy because he had the same name as his grandfather so it “skipped” a generation.