A month ago we made the move from the US to the mountains of southern Ecuador. Raising our family in [name_u]South[/name_u] [name_u]America[/name_u] has been our [name_u]Forever[/name_u] [name_u]Dream[/name_u], and we’ve fallen head over heels for our gorgeous new home.
We’re purchasing a small family farm with an acre and a half of tropical orchard and coffee plants The gentleman who’s heading up our home build mentioned yesterday that we need to come up with a name for our property. We’d given it some thought before then, but not nothing’s been quite right. What would you recommend??
The name ideally would be in Spanish. [name_f]English[/name_f] could work. A farm such as ours is called a finca in Ecuador, so it’s likely the name will start with Finca __________ or Finca de ______________.
Keywords, imagery, ideas, etc.:
Springtime/Primavera- this region boasts a year-round spring climate. [name_f]Spring[/name_f] is my favorite season. I love the imagery of new beginnings.
Something [name_m]Tolkien[/name_m] inspired… It’s very Shire-like here. We’re considering Finca del [name_f]Shire[/name_f], or something like that. And we’re literally in the “middle of the earth…”
Hummingbird/butterfly/other wildlife
Finca [name_m]Refugio[/name_m] (refuge)
There are flowers everywhere. And we feel the most amazing gentle breeze that smells like jasmine. Apparently it’s the citrus blossoms. We’re high up looking down to the village, and have lovely mountain views.
Something related to the sky- the skies here are very dynamic and beautiful… I’ve considered Finca [name_u]Cielo[/name_u] Pintado (painted sky), but it’s not quite right.
Something related to orange/citrus blossoms
Something like: flourish, thrive, opportunity, dream, once in a lifetime, long awaited, hope, promise, abundance… We thought of Finca Esperada, but it’s not substantial enough.
We keep going around in circles! Please toss us some ideas!! Nothing too cheesy, like “Finca de Sueños,” por favor.
Aaannnd we need to name our coffee, which we’re growing for gifts and personal consumption, not to sell. It can be more whimsical and fun. Our “neighborhood” is called Chambalapo, and that could be included.
Muchas gracias!!