[name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] - neither name is a true favorite of mine, but they are both stylish and they compliment each other well. Keep!
[name]Lydia[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name] - I love both these names and think they go nicely together! I also love the similar [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name].
Mauren [name]Jane[/name] - I’m not sure what to do with Mauren. [name]Maureen[/name]? [name]Maren[/name]? And all that -n at the end of both names isn’t to my liking. [name]Jane[/name] is lovely. [name]Moira[/name] [name]Jane[/name], perhaps?
[name]Henrietta/name [name]Inez[/name] - Unh-ree-etta? perhaps Ahn-ree-etta? Anyway you’re never going to get that consistently with this spelling. I’m not wild about [name]Henrietta[/name] with any prn although I can understand the prim appeal. I think with [name]Inez[/name] (which I adore) there is a whole lot of clunkiness here. You might try some other combos out. I’d much prefer [name]Inez[/name] [name]Henrietta[/name], for one.
[name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Lynette[/name] - [name]Dorothy[/name] is charming. [name]Lynette[/name] works with it, but feels dated and not in a cool old-lady way like [name]Dorothy[/name]. Perhaps [name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Odette[/name]? Or [name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Linnea[/name]?
[name]Ogden[/name] Wylde - I am not crazy about [name]Ogden[/name], but it works, and I am not sure what to make of this spelling of [name]Wild[/name]/Wilde, perhaps a family name? In any case, this is certainly appealing in a way, feels very literary. I’d prefer [name]Auden[/name] Wilde, perhaps, or [name]Augusten[/name] Wilde, which are also very literary, both of them.
[name]Thatcher[/name] [name]William[/name] - perfectly fine, 2-2 rhythm puts me off a little bit, I dunno, I don’t love [name]Thatcher[/name], but I get it. A good option overall.
[name]Henri[/name] [name]Michele/name - [name]Will[/name] you spend a lot of time in [name]France[/name]? [name]Do[/name] you have a French last name and will raise your child with heavy cultural connections. If so, OK, if not, I think this is asking for trouble. Much as I don’t think you’ll get a French first syllable for [name]Henrietta[/name], I don’t think you will for [name]Henri[/name] either. [name]Henry[/name] [name]Michael[/name] is a little boring, but handsome and perfectly solid for an Anglo boy. [name]Henri[/name] [name]Michele[/name] can be a pet name then…
[name]Matisse[/name] [name]Charles[/name] - you know, I love [name]Henri[/name] [name]Matisse[/name] too : D, but I’m not sure names are the best place for that to come through. It’s handy he has the accessible nickname [name]Matt[/name] at least. [name]Matisse[/name] honestly just sounds feminine with names like [name]Clarice[/name], [name]Patrice[/name], etc. [name]Charles[/name] [name]Matisse[/name] would be much safer…
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]James[/name] - I’m not a huge fan of [name]Arlo[/name], but I certainly kind of like the spunk and think it pairs nicely with [name]James[/name]. A good option.