My good friend is having a little boy in a few weeks. We’ve sort of been on a name hunt together (as I’m pregnant too) and she was definitely having some trouble, as her SO is extremely…“simple” when it comes to names. Today, she surprised me by saying “We’ve decided on a name.” When she told me the name I nearly squealed… [name]Dante[/name].
I’m excited because I love the name, it has so much history and a great literary connection. Also, it’s so refreshing to hear in a sea of [name]Aiden[/name]'s, [name]Jayden[/name]'s, and [name]Noah[/name]'s. I just wanted to share with you all, since you appreciate names. So, what do you think of it? And any middle name ideas? She has nothing in mind. I’m having a little trouble finding one that flows with the last name, which sounds like Baskin. [name]Dante[/name] ______ Baskin.
I love [name]Dante[/name]! I agree, VERY unexpected next to all the -aydens. Since both [name]Dante[/name] and Baskin have two syllables, I think that a three or four syllable middle name would flow well:
I love it! Also love the suggestions of [name]Dante[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] and [name]Dante[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name]… another great literary connection there!