So lost! Baby girl names - inspire me please!

Hey everyone!

Just found out that we are having a surprise (never careless, always used contraception) 4th baby. We’ve got three boys Eli Reeve, Sullivan Cole and Arlington Thomas (11/9/7). I have a sneaky suspicion that this cheeky little odd-defying babe might be a girl - but I’m stuck on a name! We’re probably going with Milo Henry for a boy, but this whole girl thing has me panicking :joy:

I love the following:

Sailor (top choice)

… middle names are maybe Grayson, or Michele (after my mother). Can you please share your thoughts on these and suggest other middle names? Thanks in advance!

Sailor Gracen would be so cute!
Audrey Michele is okay too.
Mille and Lettie are better as nicknames imo.
Like Emmeline nn Millie or Juliet/Juliette nn Lettie

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Welcome @wotai6! :wave:

Your boys have amazing names! I think Sailor or Audrey would be a perfect fit.

Sailor Michele
Audrey Grayson

:arrow_up: these both have a nice balance between traditionally feminine and androgynous.

Other middles…

Sailor Maeve
Sailor Margot
Sailor Alice
Sailor Rue
Sailor Louise
Sailor Phoebe

Audrey Afton
Audrey Pearl
Audrey Fiona
Audrey Elliot
Audrey Blair
Audrey Lake


That’s a great point on androgynous/feminine. That’s the key I think I was looking for. :slight_smile:
Thanks so much! :ok_hand:t3:


I love Sailor for you!!

Sailor Michelle would be nice as would Sailor Millie!

I also like Audrey Greyson!

A few other middle names:

Audrey Eve
Audrey Everett
Sailor Mallory
Sailor Gracelyn

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@wotai6 welcome to Nameberry!

I loooove Sailor with your boys names - I think it’s a perfect fit! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What about Sailor Aubrie? …similar flow as Audrey, but I think it fits a bit better because it is less vintage.
I also really like @RedVelvet_Cupcake_Qu’s suggestion of Sailor Gracen.


Oh thank you! I love my boys names too… makes the pressure HUGE for number four! It’s been a massive shock, because I thought I was done… I’m not prepared at all! :joy:

I’m loving these suggestions!! :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::smiley:

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Sailor Grace is my favorite suggestion

I also think Emmeline Gray “Millie” would make a fabulous addition to your sibset

Remi/Remington Grace was the first thing that came to mind with your boys

Eli, Sullivan, Arlington, & _________:

Delaney Grace
Marnie Gray
Maren Grace
Brighton Michelle
Leighton Mihelle
Bellamy Grace
Charlotte/Scarlett Gray “Lettie”
Gemma Grace “GG”
Mischa Grayson
Micha Grace
Hadley Gray
Cassidy Grace
Landry Michelle
Jolie Gray
Tatum Grace
Teagan Michelle
Farrah Grace
Dahlia Belle
Delia Gray
Lydia Michelle
Daphne Grace
Brielle Grayson
Tierney Michelle
Danica Grayson
Ivy Brielle
Imogene Gray
Tallulah Michelle “Tillie”
Ruby Grayson


Sailor Michele or Audrey Greyson as @katinka suggested would be gorgeous!


Love love love Sailor!!! My second pick is Millie.

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I really like Sailor Grayson! Here are some suggestions from me (sorry for any repeats :
Arden Grayson
Amelia Grayson (Millie)
Scarletta Michele (Lettie)
Amorette Michele (Rettie)
Sailor Skye
Sailor Madison
Paisley Grayson
Athena Michele
Audrey Sage
Aubree Lake
Aubree Lia
Aubree Elisabeth
Elisabelle Grayson (Lissie/Lissy)
Hope this helps!

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Hi there.

Here are my thoughts:

Sailor (top choice)-This honestly isn’t my favorite, but it’s not awful. If you love it, go for it. If you loved something problematic I’d advise against it. Sailor is not my style, but it’s totally doable. And it does sound pretty cute w/your sib set to be honest. Sailor Grayson doesn’t flow very nicely, plus is sort of boyish. I think that Sailor Michelle sounds fine. I like the idea of a feminine mn w/Sailor, but nothing too frilly. A few ideas:

Sailor Adeline

Sailor Clementine

Sailor Imogen

Sailor June

Sailor Olive

Sailor Penelope

Audrey-Aw, I like this a lot. It has such a kind feeling. It sounds fresh, but has old fashioned charm at the same time. Is it too close to Arlington? It may get a little bit tongue-twisty. I like Audrey Michelle. Or even Audrey Sailor would be okay. Or maybe…

Audrey Belle

Audrey Emmeline

Audrey Hazel

Audrey Lucille

Audrey May

Audrey Mabel

Audrey Violet

Millie-This is adorable & goes really well w/your crew. It’s kind of nick-namey on its own for my taste. I don’t think it’s horrible though. Just Millie is fine. I personally prefer it as a nn for Camille, Camilla, Emilia, Matilda or Millicent. Millie Grayson sounds nice enough. Is Grayson a family name? Millie Michelle is a bit much. How about…

Millie Sailor-cute!

Millie Adeline

Millie Beatrice

Millie Beatrix

Millie Frances

Millie Juniper

Millie Josephine

Lettie-I think that this is cute for a nn. It’s like Millie. It’d be fine as a full name if that’s what you really prefer. But it’s also nice to have a more formal name to fall back on. I like Violet most. Colette, Juliet (that works, right?), Loretta (meh…not my favorite), Lisset, & Violetta also work. Lettie Grayson, Lettie Michelle or Lettie Sailor (my fave!) all sound nice. Or maybe…

Lettie Beatrice

Lettie Frances

Lettie Fern-Cute!

Lettie Genevieve

Lettie Georgia

Lettie June

Lettie Marigold

Lettie Pearl

Hope my rambling helped a bit! :slight_smile:


Sailor Michele is really nice!
Theres also Spencer, Simone, Sloane and Sawyer?

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love your boys names!! Sailor Gray, Audrey Gray, and Audrey Michele are adorable. I think you might like the name Scout, also.

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Wow, so many amazing suggestions!!

I love Scout and Spencer, but I’ll have a tricky time convincing other half. :wink: Mostly, the options I have so far are dwindled down from a lovely long list of gorgeous names that I like but are poo-pooed by the husband :weary::joy: Either that or I know someone with the name or a similar name. I love Clover, but I detest Clo, or Chloe, so I’m scratching that.

Grayson isn’t a family name, it’s just one of those names I love. I didn’t get to use it with my 3rd son but I still think it’s gentle and lovely so I figured it might work here. But I’ve seen a lot of excellent options for middles suggested here!

If you’ve got more suggestions for firsts as well, please don’t be shy! :smiley::heart: