Hello, I have just stumbled across this site and it is great! I have been reading all the other posts. Anyway I have some questions of my own, we are expecting in early november.
Names I have seen quite a bit around here that I really strongly dislike are…[name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name]. I think [name]Elizabeth[/name] makes a fine middle name but as a first name I just don’t like it…
As for [name]Margaret[/name]… it will never be fresh for me. [name]Ever[/name]. [name]Hope[/name] I don’t offend anyone I just wanted you to get an idea of my taste. I’m also sick of [name]Ava[/name] [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Isabel[/name] etc. Moving on,
For girls I love
[name]Stella[/name] too popular?
[name]Violet[/name]- too popular?
[name]Lena[/name] (lee-nah)
[name]Lila[/name]- [name]LOVE[/name]… too popular?
[name]Daisy[/name]- I had a dog called this tho, so I won’t use it but I love it
[name]Luna[/name]- love a million, but is it too [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]?? Course I would never use it with [name]Stella[/name]. I prefer [name]Luna[/name] over [name]Stella[/name]. I guess the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] connection isn’t that bad because I like [name]Luna[/name] Lovegood I just don’t want to be seen as copying it?
[name]Harriet[/name]- what do you think? I don’t know.
[name]Clementine[/name]- sort of.
[name]Beatrix[/name]- Soooo amazingly cute.
Can’t really think of any more girls names although there are more
[name]Theo[/name] or [name]Theodore[/name]- [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name]
[name]Jasper[/name]- I’ve never met one but I can see it getting popular
Also is [name]Casper[/name] too friendly-ghost?? I love [name]Casper[/name].
[name]William[/name]- different to my others tho… so is [name]Henry[/name] I guess. I like the above better than these but [name]Will[/name] is so handsome.
I feel like my list is a bit all over the place. My favorites are probably [name]Luna[/name], [name]Theo[/name] and [name]Beatrix[/name].
Any suggestions appreciated!
First and middle names are fine.
I hope you can understand all this
Thanks alot!!