I was at my cousin’s baseball game this past weekend. He plays in the age 6-8 league, so naturally there were lots of little kids running around. Here are some of the names I heard:
Slayton nn Slay (a GIRL!)
[name]Hudson[/name] & [name]Olivia[/name] (twins)
[name]Jackson[/name] nn Jacks
[name]Adrian[/name] (boy)
[name]Parker[/name] & [name]Tucker[/name] (brothers)
Kahala (girl)
I can’t remember any others. Walking around between the fields, I noticed many teams had banners with the names of the players on them. On one team I saw there was a [name]Kaden[/name], [name]Brayden[/name], and [name]Aiden[/name]. Another team had a [name]Jayden[/name] and [name]Kaden[/name].
OMG poor Slayton. That’s an awful nn! I really like [name]Adrian[/name], [name]Xander[/name], and [name]Jared[/name]. Kahala is interesting and I feel bad for all the [name]Kaden[/name]/[name]Aiden[/name] etc names on those teams.
Slayton? That’s just awful. & I am so over the whole [name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Hayden[/name]/[name]Kaden[/name]/[name]Aidan[/name] names, seriously!
Yay for [name]Parker[/name]! That’s been one of my favorites for a long time. I also like [name]Colin[/name], [name]Jeremy[/name], and [name]Jackson[/name]. And why [name]Ty[/name]? It just seems like it’s missing something. He’ll probably be like, “No, I’m not [name]Tyler[/name],” his whole life. But it’s not as bad as poor Slayton. And calling someone “slay?” Like, as in, slay a dragon?
I didn’t understand Slayton either. She was the cutest little girl, and just so happened to have one of those airbrushed t-shirts with her name on it. I saw “Slayton” and inwardly groaned. Then I heard her mother call her Slay. I came very close to saying something but was able to restrain myself. 
At the park today, there was a little girl called Taxi.
Recently heard three little girls named [name]Felicity[/name], [name]Emmeline[/name], and [name]Violet[/name]. Swoon!
@rachel27 Taxi?? My word…
@swingset Thank goodness! 
Slayton - for a boy, it’s awful. For a girl, it’s even worse! I cannot imagine calling my child ‘Slay’… what’s next, Murderton?
[name]Hudson[/name] & [name]Olivia[/name] - gorgeous set, I think they’re lovely together.
[name]Jackson[/name] - Plain, but still handsome. Jacks/[name]Jax[/name] is a cute nickname.
[name]Adrian[/name] - Not my style, but a very strong and cute name.
[name]Rustin[/name] - No thank you, just reminds me of something rusting!
[name]Parker[/name] & [name]Tucker[/name] - a bit too similar for brother imo, but I like them separately.
[name]Colin[/name] - [name]Collin[/name]'s not bad, but [name]Colin[/name] looks so much like colon to me 
[name]Xander[/name] - I prefer this as a nickname for [name]Alexander[/name], and it’s a bit trendy, but not bad.
[name]Ty[/name] - I hope this was a nickname, it seems far too short to me.
[name]Jeremy[/name] - Not my style, I consider it dated. Having said that, it’s cute on a child.
[name]Dalton[/name] - I love this, it’s a bit trendy though, so it’s a GP for me.
[name]Jared[/name] - never liked this due to personal connections.
[name]Thomas[/name] - Traditional, I love this!
Kahala - ka-haa-la? ka-hay-la? I don’t know how to say this… It’s not my style though.
As far as those rhymes go, must be confusing for those kids!
I was on a road trip yesterday and spotted a car with sports bumper stickers for a [name]Kegan[/name] and [name]Jaden[/name].
Was at my little cousin’s 1st b-day party yesterday, the names I can remember are…
The boys weren’t really playing…so I didn’t really hear any of their names
…not to bad