because I really don’t see the appeal of “grandma names” or heavy nature names. I just for the life of me can’t picture [name]Maude[/name], [name]Mavis[/name], [name]Juniper[/name], or [name]Calliope[/name] on a sweet little girl. It’s just too much.
Also, [name]Clementine[/name], [name]Greer[/name], or [name]Sloane[/name], and the more common [name]Penelope[/name]. Completely baffled.
Any names here on Nameberry that just leave you scratching your head?
I actually kind of like [name]Mavis[/name] because of the new movie Hotel Transylvania. It was really cute on the girl and I can picture more people using it soon because of the nn [name]Mae[/name].
Anyway, I understand not liking some of the names that others on this website like. That is what makes this website nice, because there are so many people who like different types of names. We can all come together and share our likes and dislikes of names.
[name]Clementine[/name] is one that I do not understand as well. Oh and also the name [name]Olive[/name]. Anyway, I don’t really prefer them but others do so no harm to that.
I am not into these berry-loved names.
But then I like names some ‘typical’ berries hate. Which proves that variety is the spice of life. Would kind of suck if all little girls were called [name]Isabella[/name] [name]Rose[/name].
Names that I don’t really like that other berries like:
But I do like most of the well-loved names!
People here seem to be addicted to surname names/made up names which grates on my soul "-_- I only got here yesterday though so that’s just at first glance. Also, it sort of feels like no one is willing to say what they really feel about a name/able to dissuade someone from using a name/spelling that they know is ridiculous. If they don’t like it, people tend to go ‘well, I don’t like it insert reason here but go ahead!’.
I think a lot of posters here like names which are kinda “out there”, but then that is to be expected because it is a naming site after all. Oh…I don’t like the way people tell you not to to use a particular name just because it’s quite popular.
Although I love almost all of the “nameberry” names, except maybe [name]Maude[/name] and [name]Sloan[/name], I agree with you on the popular saga. If you love a name go for it! I have loved the name [name]Jack[/name] for almost my whole life and the fact that it is one of the most popular names in the world, never made me waver from it. I just take it as a compliment that so many other parents love the name as much as me
It’s sad that you feel like you don’t belong… I think that most names are excepted on here unless they are spelled creatively, that is a huge problem for most berries!
Ok, well hope you feel better about your place here soon
I have had bad luck gettng forum responses on names that aren’t “nameberry” names or included in the directory. People seem to flock to threads about the same 30 names…
i may end up at a more diverse naming site
I can understand this. I do sometimes feel like my threads get fewer responses because I do tend to stick to names that are a bit on the popular side. I love Nameberry, though, because a lot of the names that people do like discussing are some of my guilty pleasures (names I don’t think I could bring myself to use or that DH would never agree to).
Oh lots of names do. My taste is quite unberry like, especially my girls.
That doesn’t mean you don’t belong here! It’d be so boring if everyone hear had the same taste! It’d be the same combo suggestions over and over again.
I don’t like any of the names you posted much either. I can’t stand [name]Sloane[/name], or [name]Greer[/name].
[name]Trust[/name] me, there’s really no diverse naming site. People flock to sites that are similar to their own tastes, just like you would if you went to find another site.
Nameberry is pretty diverse in my experiences, and with far less arrogant posters.
I have also felt like I don’t belong on Nameberry. I feel like I’m not creative enough a namer. I love names… being a teacher has sparked a fascination with what people name their children, but I feel like my own taste is very boring compared to what other people come up with.
Everyone has different taste and while the names I like tend to “fit in” I could easily see how a person who entertains more popular names would easily be left out.
I do like some popular names that I would use [name]Lauren[/name]/[name]Emilie[/name]/[name]Oliver[/name]?[name]Alice[/name]/[name]Charlotte[/name]. and some that I like that I wouldn’t use purely because of the popularity-[name]Ava[/name]/[name]Matilda[/name] etc. As most of the threads on here are asking about naming actual babies, I don’t mention or discourage them using popular names but if someone was just asking about if In like the name, I would probably say yes but just not on my own children.
I think Berries are try to be courteous and understanding of other peoples naming choices. If you look at some posts from a few weeks ago there were some poster who became increasingly rude and belligerent in telling an op that they were “wrong” in their name choice. (It usually happens when considering names that cross the gender divide). I think common courtesy and things like “nms I prefer this name/spelling” are a polite way to say “I don’t like it and I’d strongly recommend you use something different, see my suggestion - but it’s your choice and I recognize that.”
If you feel that your naming style is under appreciated or you don’t get many responses I’d try stating what your naming style is in your op. There are many berries (incl myself) who enjoy a little research to come up with suggestions we think could fit your style that we like. You might not get many responses mainly because people don’t immediately have constructive feedback. I’d rather have fewer responses that are constructive instead of a larger number of feedbacks that tell me my choices aren’t the responders style.
@ Rissadesiree:There are names people suggest often that I’m not a fan of either, [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Genevieve[/name], for example. I do tend to like a lot of the old fashioned names, but to me there’s limits for what I’d consider practical; I couldn’t in good conscious name a baby [name]Maude[/name] or [name]Ethel[/name].
@ Renrose: Well there’s a difference between being rude/mean and trying to simply tell someone you’d advise against using a particular name. Me, as just a random internet person can’t stop someone from using what I’d consider a bad name because at the end of the day people will name their kids whatever they want, I can’t brow beat them into not using it; however I can tell them I’d advise against using and why. That’s probably the same attitude most people have when they post that they don’t like a name but tell the person it’s up to them.
I’m soo tired of the repetition. While I don’t personally understand the love of [name]Thisbe[/name], [name]Thessaly[/name], [name]Ayelet[/name], [name]Avery[/name] etc. to each their own. What I don’t get is when people make a post asking something like " what is your opinion on [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Rose[/name]", ummm the same it was yesterday when someone asked the same question, Because someone is always posting about [name]Elizabeth[/name], or [name]Eliza[/name], or [name]Isabella[/name]. And there will be a whole generation of little girls with the middle names [name]Rose[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Ruby[/name], [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Wren[/name], [name]Briar[/name], [name]Avery[/name] (because Everyone is using them)
IDK, it seems every time I browse through the girl boards (because boys names are usually safer and I like a wide variety of them), I just think “I don’t like any of these names” D: I guess it’s just a matter of personal opinion, though, because I don’t think I’d be brave enough to really go “out there” with a name. I’m more into abandoned vintage names, such as [name]Vera[/name], [name]Lydia[/name],[name]Jane[/name], and [name]Susannah[/name] (although I can’t use that one for a variety of reasons). I truly appreciate uncommon names, and have a soft spot for the name [name]Margot[/name] (even if she was my horrible English teacher), I think the parent has to think of the child growing up. Are they going to appreciate being named [name]Persephone[/name], or something even more offbeat?
I love that this thread and the whole site even exists! We are having a constructive conversation with so many opinions. You just have to find the thread that appeals to you. As for the Blogs… well they are representative of times and trends. Right now names seem to be vintage, classic, or incredibly different. And I also think it depends where you live. I love reading about what Europe is doing on the forums. It’s “neat” to see.
That being said, deep down, I love the name “[name]Sarah[/name]” - but it’s so popular and we have a very common last name. So it won’t be considered. But I just love it.
And middle names - it feels like that’s a contest too. I always thought middle names were a great way to honor people. But I’ve come to see how that’s different for a lot of people. So while our children will have not-top-50 names, they’ll have familial middle names.
I think people here likes a lot of different names, I find it quite diverse. And people are (most of the time) respectful of each others tastes. I get inappropriate crushes on names sometimes, like [name]Greer[/name], a name that’s not my style and I don’t find it very appealing, BUT I did have a crush on it a little while ago. Then I got over it!