Are there are names that mean son of [name_m]Gregory[/name_m]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] have same meaning as [name_m]Gregory[/name_m] or another language version of [name_m]Gregory[/name_m]? Ways to honor [name_m]Gregory[/name_m] for a boy
While it doesn’t literally mean son of [name_m]Gregory[/name_m], I think Grayson/Greyson would work!
I know a [name_u]Grayson[/name_u] named after his dad, [name_m]Gregory[/name_m]. Grier/Greer is also related to [name_m]Gregory[/name_m], and I’ve always had a soft spot for [name_m]Gregor[/name_m]. [name_u]Or[/name_u] maybe [name_u]Grey[/name_u] or [name_u]Rory[/name_u] for more a stretch?
It may be bit of a stretch but from the meaning Vigilant or Watchman; [name_u]Ira[/name_u] means watchful one in Hebrew.
[name_m]Ward[/name_m] is another option. [name_m]Gregorio[/name_m] spices it up a bit
[name_u]Ira[/name_u] has a similar meaning! As do [name_m]Eiran[/name_m] and [name_u]Eran[/name_u]!
or another [name_m]Gregory[/name_m] Peck role
It means son of, so you could go
[name_m]Fitz[/name_m] as the first name and [name_m]Gregory[/name_m] as middle and it would literally mean son of [name_m]Gregory[/name_m]