Sophie, Roxanne, Alana or Elora?

See the results of this poll: Which one for my new name? (Surname similar to Flint)

Respondents: 40 (This poll is closed)

  • Sophie : 14 (35%)
  • Roxanne : 9 (23%)
  • Alana : 7 (18%)
  • Elora: 10 (25%)

You seem like an [name]Elora[/name] to me, so I vote for [name]Elora[/name]. The name that sounds best with surname [name]Flint[/name] is [name]Sophie[/name] (obviously). [name]Elora[/name] [name]Flint[/name] is good too.

My accent makes [name]Elora[/name] sound a bit like Allure-a, which has an exotic dancer-y feel to me.

[name]Sophie[/name] is such a cutesy name that I never felt aged well until I met an older [name]Sophie[/name] in real life, now I love it. This would be my pick.

I didn’t vote, because I can’t choose between [name]Sophie[/name] and [name]Elora[/name]! I adore both. I think [name]Elora[/name] [name]Flint[/name] sounds better, but I would personally prefer being a [name]Sophie[/name] to being an [name]Elora[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are great, though, and the [name]Elora[/name] I know is just perfect. :slight_smile:

I voted for [name]Roxanne[/name]. I’m so excited to see this name on somebody’s list! I think the nickname, [name]Roxi[/name], is great.

I voted for [name]Elora[/name] since that seems to flow really well with a surname similar to [name]Flint[/name]. You have some good choices though.

Good luck!

None of them are bad but I like [name]Sophie[/name] the best.

As a [name]Sophie[/name], I’m biased and will say it’s a great name to have. I don’t know how old you are but I’m in my early 20s and don’t know many [name]Sophie[/name]'s older than me, though quite a few my age and younger, so you might want to bear in mind it’s possibly the most common in your age group (though that will depend where you live, UKer here so it may not have peaked as early in the States).

I voted for [name]Roxanne[/name] though as it’s a great, underused name. [name]Elora[/name] will possibly get nn [name]Ellie[/name] and I’m so over [name]Ellie[/name] names, and [name]Alana[/name] just doesn’t seem to have the oomph [name]Roxanne[/name] does.