Sorry to post this here, but I have a quick question - HOW DO I POST A POLL?

I know this probably isn’t the forum for this, but I know more people will see it here, and maybe someone can help me. It seems I can’t post a poll the way I used to be able to - did something change? [name]How[/name] do I put up a poll? I would really appreciate any help you can offer! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Before you post the thread scroll down to additional options and the poll option is there. You just check the box for poll and then put the number of options you want :slight_smile:

Ok thanks you! I did see where you select poll and select how many options, but then I don’t see the place to make the questions for the poll. :confused: Does it show up after I select submit new thread? Thanks for any help you can give!! :slight_smile:

Once you have posted the thread the poll will be ready to make :slight_smile: