This thread is very similar to ones that have made before…
@[name_u]Ren[/name_u] I’m in WA and two hours (three in daylight savings since we got rid of them) behind her so there are times when I’m online that no one else is due to my large time difference and I never quite know what time it is for the other moderators which seem to mostly be in the UK and the US (which is where most users are).
I don’t think there are many berries in my time zone I think theres on maybe two others in WA and one or two in Singapore
@[name_u]Ren[/name_u] I’m in WA and two hours (three in daylight savings since we got rid of them) behind her so there are times when I’m online that no one else is due to my large time difference and I never quite know what time it is for the other moderators which seem to mostly be in the UK and the US (which is where most users are).
I don’t think there are many berries in my time zone I think theres on maybe two others in WA and one or two in Singapore
Sorry if I was sounding rude or anything, I just thought I would clear that up since I have messaged Sarahmezz before for troll related issues.
There’s more spam. Sigh.
There’s a bit of spam in the [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Name Games forum. It’s quite annoying.
11:08am BST ([name_m]Britain[/name_m]) here, load of spam in the [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Names forum. I don’t think it’s a time zone thing.
I agree, I’m in [name_m]Britain[/name_m] too and see spam all the time. If it’s a spambot rather than a person then they are probably just posting repeatedly all through the day/night.
A lot of the spam posts I’ve noticed have [name_f]Indian[/name_f] city names in the title, e.g. Bhopal or Hyderabad, so they could be coming from [name_f]India[/name_f].
If I could clear the spam from work it would be a lot easier but my permissions seem to be different here than on my home computer and I don’t know why x__x
A lot of the spam appears to be [name_f]Indian[/name_f] or Arabic, but for a short time there was some in Korean as well.
Its 4:01 in WA time and there are a heap more about crazy google or black magic
There’s lots of spam in the ‘[name_u]Baby[/name_u] Names’ forum
I’ve been getting rather annoyed at seeing pages and pages of spam threads too. It seems to have gotten really bad over the past few weeks.
I agree that CAPTCHA or something similar, and a limit on how many new threads a user can create within a certain amount of time, would be good. Actual users (most, anyway) don’t post that many at once anyway, as far as I’ve seen, so it wouldn’t affec them. 10 new threads an hour sounds reasonable, more than enough for most. (Or maybe I just don’t post many threads!)
About the time issue, whatever time of day I come on, there seem to be spam threads. (I’m not in [name_f]Canada[/name_f] right now, if place makes a difference.)
Hopefully it will be resolved soon Thanks to [name_f]Pam[/name_f] and [name_f]Linda[/name_f] and the mods!
@emiliana - I’m one of the mods and I’m based in Australia. I agree with you all - spam has been insane lately. We try to delete as soon as we’re aware, but we definitely need something in place to prevent spammers in the first place.
Of course we run the site and [name_u]Ren[/name_u], [name_f]Sarah[/name_f] and the other mods work very hard to keep up with deleting the spam. We are doing everything we can.
I agree with this! Put a limit on new threads posted per hour and add a CAPTCHA. I think that would really go a long way so you dont have 10 pages of spam to report.
Erm, I must not be looking properly. Where is the option to report?
I can’t see it anywhere, and checking the Nameberry FAQ was no help.
Hey @gumtrees, there’s a little warning triangle icon on the bottom left of every post - click that to report and it’ll offer you a comment box to say why you’re reporting it. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] that helps!
Hey everyone, We are working on this but please understand that these spammers are relentless even with the best filters and awesome moderators who do this work on Nameberry for free. [name_f]Linda[/name_f] and I also delete spam and it’s time consuming for all of us – we’d rather be creating great content and commenting on the forums. If we instituted a paywall for the forums we may be able to keep out spammers but then we couldn’t offer this free forum. Please know that we are doing our best.
Ohhh, now that you’ve pointed it out it seems so obvious! [name_m]How[/name_m] did I miss that?! Thank you.
Could it be an option to add more moderators? I’d imagine it’s a bit of a thankless job but would likely make a positive impact on spam levels if you had more people from more timezones.