Spanish word names

Hey there, my spouse and I are going to have a baby puppy soon and we need help on finding a name. We would like it to be a spanish word name, preferably two syllables to match with the puppy’s parents names: [name_f]Luna[/name_f] & [name_m]Nacho[/name_m]. All suggestions are welcome, thanks :slight_smile:

My absolute favourite Spanish word name is [name_m]Cielo[/name_m]! That’s maybe more like three syllable tho…

[name_f]Azar[/name_f] (I don’t know if this has the best meaning…)
[name_m]Zafiro[/name_m] (not two syllables, but an awesome name!)

All the best with you puppy!

Sombra (shadow)
Garra (claw)
Bosque (forest)
Tronco (trunk or dude in a coloquial way)
Pinza (pin / clothes peg)
Bola (ball)
Hollín (soot)
[name_f]Sable[/name_f] (saber)
Palo (stick)
Nube (cloud)
Viento (wind)