Looks like there are many different ways to spell [name_m]Bradan[/name_m]. Anyone know the most popular or have a preference?
[name_m]Bradan[/name_m], [name_u]Braeden[/name_u], [name_u]Brayden[/name_u]?
It’s not my favorite name in general, but I like [name_u]Brayden[/name_u] or [name_m]Braden[/name_m] best. (These also happen to be the two most common spellings.) I don’t like the spelling [name_m]Bradan[/name_m] at all because it makes me want to say brah-[name_m]Dan[/name_m], rather than bray-den.
If you follow the above link and click on the boys list for 2012, you can see the various spelling and popularity of each.
I like [name_m]Braden[/name_m] the best because its easy to spell and looks cleaner and simpler. Its also one of my favourite ‘aden’ names.
I prefer the [name_m]Braden[/name_m] spelling.
I like [name_u]Brayden[/name_u], [name_u]Braydon[/name_u] and [name_m]Braden[/name_m]. [name_m]Braden[/name_m] is my favorite.
[name_u]Brayden[/name_u]. I normally hate -aden names, but [name_u]Brayden[/name_u] is actually okay.
I like [name_m]Brandon[/name_m]–it doesn’t seem as trendy or made-up.
It’s not my favorite -aden name, but I prefer the [name_u]Brayden[/name_u] spelling.
I prefer [name_m]Braden[/name_m].
I prefer [name_m]Braden[/name_m]
I like [name_m]Braden[/name_m] the best! [name_u]Brayden[/name_u] is ok too.
I like Braydan the most. [name_m]Braden[/name_m] makes me want to say Bra-den.
[name_m]Braden[/name_m] is my favourite spelling. I know most people on NB hate this group of names, but I actually don’t mind [name_u]Aidan[/name_u], [name_m]Braden[/name_m] and [name_u]Haydn[/name_u] (these spellings only though!) If they weren’t so popular, I would consider them x
[name_m]Braden[/name_m] is my preference. I know people with this surname, so it’s always felt the most legitimate to me.
The most popular spelling in the U.S. is [name_u]Brayden[/name_u] (#48 in 2013). The second most common is much less popular, [name_m]Braden[/name_m] (#336). I would use one of these two spellings, and I think they are easy to pronounce from looking at the spelling and they are the spellings people are likely to expect most often.
It’s NMS in any spelling, but I’m most familiar with [name_u]Brayden[/name_u], so I like that one best.