Spelling of Peregrine

We have a list of boys names and are waiting to see him before deciding. (Although DH is insistent on [name]Wolfgang[/name], I do not want to commit until after the birth).

With the Hobbit movie coming out we were reading the book (finished quickly) and are now on to [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings. I keep seeing [name]Peregrin[/name] and think that spelling could work. Especially because most would say “[name]Per[/name]-eh-green” when reading it with the “e” at the end. I like both spellings, and its unusual enough (we live in the US) that I am thinking it might need to be spelled out anyway for most people. And as much as our family loves the books by Tolkien, I am hesitant to give him a spelling that is too “[name]Lord[/name] of The Rings” even if the average person knows the characters name as [name]Pippin[/name] and has most likely just watched the movies and not read the book.

So it would be [name]Peregrine[/name] [name]Lazar[/name] or [name]Peregrin[/name] [name]Lazar[/name].


I’d go for [name]Peregrin[/name]. The [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings association is awesome, and also, [name]Peregrine[/name] is very upper-class [name]Eton[/name] and [name]Oxford[/name] bred name.

Since I live in central PA, the European ideas about this name mean nothing to me (and because I am clueless, is this a positive or negative thing local to you?)…of course he could one day live there, but for now we just want something that fits. :wink: But to have yet another child with a name ending in “n”, too close? In the grand scheme of things not a huge deal, but still something to think.about…even if ending in “ne” sounds the same.

It’s just one of those names. [name]Eton[/name] is the best boarding school in [name]England[/name], and [name]Oxford[/name] is the best university. It’s just very upper class, old money. But I do like the name [name]Peregrine[/name] too, I’ve just met a few and the name screams [name]Eton[/name] to me. But you’re in [name]America[/name], so I guess it doesn’t matter.
I don’t think the -n ending is that big a deal. It’s a very different name, and the endings will be -tian, -wen and -grin.

Makes sense to me, thanks for weighing in. :slight_smile:

I really think you could go either way due to it’s unfamiliarity as a name. That said, I think most people’s prior association with [name]Peregrine[/name], if they have one at all, will be the falcon. So they may want to instinctively spell it with the -ne. I may be giving people too much credit here. :wink:

[name]Peregrine[/name] looks more complete to me with the “e” at the end and I believe that is the spelling of the falcon. Nothing wrong with sounding like you went to [name]Oxford[/name].

[name]Just[/name] to get things straight- would you pronounce it per-uh-grin or per-uh-green?