
What do you think of the name Sprague? I’ve heard it used as both a first name and a last name. It’s kind of cool but I don’t know that I’d ever have the nerve to use it myself.
Sprague and [name]Thierry[/name] would be cool siblings though I think.

[name]Long[/name] a “ay” or round a “aw”? Either way, this is a step too far for me as a first name. Spray is not a fortunate sound-alike, nor is sprain, or plague for that matter. Prague the city is cool, but it’s not really one to catch on as a place name. Sprague prn like Prague makes me think Sprockets : D! Sprig is actually kind of a cool sound alike, but not very name-y. Also, I’m imagining I’m right with prn Sprayg, but maybe I’m wrong and I know some people would want to do something else with that -ue, point being it’s hard to spell/prn. Also hard to hear: My last name is actually sort of similar to this and no one can [name]EVER[/name] hear that first consonant cluster right on the phone.

ALL that said, I’m sure if I met one I’d get used to it, but I’m a mature adult…this one seems like it could be hard on a kid with any mean-inclined peers.

If you’re interested in this name, I thought this etymology (it seems plausible enough) was really cool: Sprague - Wikipedia

All best!

All I can think about with this name is the word Sprog or Sproglet. This is a British (joking) nickname for a child. In fact I am more likely to see the word sprogs on a facebook photo album than I am the word child.
I am assuming you are pronouncing this like the city Prague?
Is this a family name?