Starbucks Name Experiment

Hey berries! If you have any names you’re thinking could get misspelled or misheard often, try them out at Starbucks. You’ll soon find out if you have a name problem on your hands.

As we speak, I’m at Starbucks drinking out of a cup with a misspelled, misunderstood name on it! I love the name [name]Natasha[/name] so I have always used it at Sbucks. I don’t know if it’s because I moved to an area that does not see the name as often, but it’s been mistaken for [name]Tasha[/name], and [name]Latasha[/name] so far and it gets under my skin.

As someone who has always had an easy, popular name, I’ve been blind to the problem people with less popular/unique names have. That being said, I’ve gotten easily frustrated at people not being able to understand a name which I think is perfectly normal with no unique spellings. But so far I have yet to correct anyone.

For those of you who have a unique, less popular or differently spelled name, do you get frustrated easily when people get it wrong or have you learned to let it go? [name]How[/name] has your name been misunderstood?
And has anyone else tried their baby names at Starbucks, and if so how did it go?

I have a common and easy name, and even so it gets misspelled and mispronounced. I think this is a problem if you have any name that’s not SUPER recognizable ([name]Ashley[/name], [name]Kate[/name], [name]Amy[/name]).

People say [name]Julia[/name], [name]July[/name], all kinda of stuff that makes me really wonder if people pay attention at all: mostly they take one little glance, or it’s noisy in a coffeehouse, and they just guess something vaguely similar.

I’ve had friends with obscure names that will use a common alias like kelly in those situations, just to make things easier. In fact, even though my name is super easy, I usually tell cashiers my name is [name]Anna[/name], because no one is going to mess that one up (plus is it weird they want to know your name anyway??).

My name is [name]Diana[/name] (die-an-eh) and you may think that is easy, but I have had teachers call me [name]Diane[/name] or [name]Dee[/name]-ah-ne. It doesn’t both me as much since it’s not very common though. You get used to it after awhile.

I have a very common name, and people still get it wrong in coffee shops.

I wouldnt trust the Starbucks experiment when it comes to spelling the names. The Baristas are often in a hurry and will abbreviate names or misspell them because they are just trying to pass the cup down the line. I have a very easy to recognize and spell name and I often see the letters mixed up because they write so fast.

I have a friend who always goes by “[name]Tim[/name]” at Starbucks and places that ask for your name - his real name is Toua (it’s Hmong) and he says if he tells them “Toua” they’re always like “uhhhhh…” and it’s just easier. :smiley:

I haven’t tried something like that yet, but I’d like to! The Taco [name]Bell[/name] where I work requires taking down people’s names, too, and I’ve always wanted to give some outlandish name (well, in their opinions, anyway!), but they know me and don’t write employees names on receipts, anyway. But I would totally do that if I ever went to a restaurant or coffee shop that asked for a name. I’m not really a coffee person, which is why I haven’t done it at Starbucks yet, haha.

My name is [name]Ashley[/name] and I hate when people spell it [name]Ashely[/name]–you’d think it was pretty straightforward. But if you love the name enough, I would go for it. My favorite girls’ name is [name]Isabelle[/name], and I know [name]Isabel[/name] and [name]Isobel[/name] are other acceptable spellings, so I am prepared to correct spellings. My name being spelled [name]Ashely[/name] didn’t kill me, and I’m sure [name]Isabelle[/name] would be able to deal with being called [name]Isabel[/name], too.

My name is [name]Casey[/name], yet even my own grandpa spells my name [name]Cassie[/name]! I get called [name]Cassie[/name] ALL THE TIME. In fact, I’m pretty sure the first time I met my now-[name]MIL[/name], my DH accidentally introduced me as [name]Cassie[/name], then corrected himself! So I’m very, very used to it. To me, it’s slightly annoying if it’s someone who should know better, but when perfect strangers get it wrong I don’t bat an eye. I think unless you name your child [name]Mary[/name] or [name]John[/name] it will get misspelled/mispronounced (heck, people might even misspell those these days!)

My name is [name]Angel[/name] and I would thank everyone would know how to say and spell that, but no. Everytime I meet someone new they go '[name]Angela[/name]?" and I say “no…[name]Angel[/name].” I had one sub in high school tell me my mother wasn’t stupid enough to name me just [name]Angel[/name], as that’s not a real name and obviously I just don’t know my own name and it’s really [name]Angela[/name].

Adults spell my name Angle and everyone…and I mean EVERYONE calls me [name]April[/name] at one point or another. My boss called me [name]April[/name] the other day at a staff meeting and I’ve been working there for 3 years. A coworker sometimes calls me [name]Ashley[/name].
My husband, Cody, gets called Tony and Cory all the time too.

This all just goes to show you that no matter how common or recognizable the name is, it’s going to get misspelled and mispronounced. But, I’m used to it and I just smile and gently correct people at this point.

haha I love how everyone’s posting about their simple easy name having a letter or two switched. My name is [name]Eros[/name] (air-ohse) and it’s misspelled so frequently that when someone finally spells it right I get super excited and happy- sometimes it literally makes my day! I’ve gotten a million different things- I once went through camp and on the final day we did archery and everyone was laughing and someone said, “Arrows, we’re going to go shoot some arrows!” I had to blink and ask them if they had seriously thought my name was Arrows the whole time, and sure enough a large portion of people did. When I was little it was a nightmare when the other students tried to write my name… I don’t even want to think about it! haha You do get used to it though, I mean I don’t even get angry anymore, as I said I just get really excited when it’s right.

@Ferntailwp – I just want you to know that I love [name]Eros[/name] and I know how to spell it and I know the mythology. Does that make you smile :slight_smile: :smiley:

I’ve given up on people getting my name, lol. It’s super hard to spell, not common at all, and no one even tries. I tend to tell Starbucks people (or where ever else I have to give my name) that I’m [name]Anna[/name] because Maurilia is too much. I tried to use [name]Maura[/name] a couple times, and I kept getting asked if I said [name]Marta[/name] so I gave that one up. Sometimes I just give them crazy names for fun, and because it’s really funny to see them squirm as they debate whether or not to call you out on it.

I used to get so annoyed, frustrated, embarrassed, but now I’m so used to it constantly happening, that I don’t even care anymore.

I let people call me whatever sound close to my name, I can’t be bothered to constantly correct people anymore.

People always mistake [name]Jill[/name] for [name]Jo[/name], particularly over the phone. You can’t get much simpler than a one syllable, 4 letter name and yet, there it is.

Yet another reason to go to Starbucks! :wink:

Hah! Funny stories! I have a name that I feel everyone has heard, at least on TV, [name]Elaine[/name]. But it gets misspelled so often! The other day the man at Starbucks spelled it right and I was very excited! I don’t really feel bothered by it though… It doesn’t really mean anything to me that a stranger know how to spell my name, if that makes sense.

Our Starbucks here only just started doing the name thing. My first time getting a coffee there went:
“[name]Savannah[/name].” “[name]Susannah[/name]?” “No, [name]Savannah[/name].” “Oh, [name]Sylvana[/name].” “…Sure.”

To be fair, [name]Savannah[/name] is uncommon in the UK but like… it’s a known word! I don’t get it. I’m going by [name]Anne[/name] next time for coffee purposes haha.

I used to work at a coffee shop, and being a name nerd, I was pretty accurate with people’s names/spellings. But my boss was terrible. [name]Every[/name] time a [name]Caitlin[/name] would come in, he’d type “Kateland” into the computer. The person making the drink would always have to interpret the name he was trying to write. Poor Kateland!

Yup. If you’re a [name]Lesley[/name], they’ll spell it [name]Leslie[/name]!

People never get my name right anywhere, lol. My name is [name]Alexis[/name], you’d think it’s simple enough. Quite a popular name nowadays too. Nope, it’s always [name]Alex[/name], [name]Alexa[/name], [name]Alexia[/name], even when like a teacher is reading off a sheet. People can NEVER remember my name either - I gave up with my orthodontist, I am just known as [name]Alexa[/name] to him now. :stuck_out_tongue: