Starting fresh...please give suggestions! Uncommon, but familiar names wanted!


So I have been exploring many names for our little girl, but feel the need to start fresh…I feel as though I have looked at the same names over and over again for weeks!
My husband and I like names that are definitely uncommon (certainly not in the top 100), but are also familiar.

Brothers are:
[name]Camden[/name] [name]William[/name] L___ (one-syllable last name)
[name]Beckett[/name] [name]Edwin[/name] L____

[name]Both[/name] middle names are family names, and we have some interest in using [name]Louise[/name] as a mn for this little girl, but are not absolutely set on it, if something else sounds better.

I guess I should say that the one name that is still hanging on is [name]Seren[/name] [name]Louise[/name], but I worry about the pronunciation from people. We find it to be beautiful, but just want more names to make sure we pick the absolute perfect name!

Thanks Berries!

Hmm, here are some names you may like:
[name]Wren[/name] – similar sound, but no pronunciation worries
[name]Rilla[/name] – I think this name is intriguing and may have similar qualities to [name]Seren[/name] for you. Maybe too many L’s though : /
[name]Serena[/name] or [name]Serene[/name] – slight difference from [name]Seren[/name]
[name]Stella[/name] – I think [name]Stella[/name] [name]Louise[/name] is stunning and I’m pretty sure it has the same meaning as [name]Seren[/name]

[name]Whitman[/name] - I know a little girl with this name and it fits her beautifully
[name]Flannery[/name] - again, I know an amazing girl with this name

Both of your names are street names in my area and I’ve picked some other street names. It might give you some fresh ideas that are in the same vein if you look at Google maps. Just a thought.