Stick w M theme or gaelic theme?!

Our daughter’s name is Mhairi…it’s gaelic. All the females in my family (my sister, mother, grandmother, etc) are M names. I can’t find another M gaelic name that I like so I thought of [name]Madeline[/name] as another M name for girl. But then I also love the name [name]Eilidh[/name] for a girl which goes w/ the gaelic theme…but not the M theme. [name]Just[/name] looking for input which sounds better together, two names w/ same first letter or two names from same origin.

Mhairi and [name]Eilidh[/name] (gaelic) or Mhairi and [name]Madeline[/name] (M names)

PS before people start asking [name]Eilidh[/name] is pronounced Ay-[name]Lee[/name]. I live in a very scottish town and province so it will be understood here.

I would go with [name]Eilidh[/name]! She goes so nicely with Mhairi. What is the pronunciation of Mhairi, by the way? Another thought is to go with [name]Maeve[/name], which is Irish and an “M” name.

I think both names are fine so just go with what you like best and don’t worry about sticking to a theme.

Thanks for the input! I like themes b/c I like names that flow well together. I think both choices flow well, just a tough decision! Mhairi is pronounced like [name]Mar[/name]-ee. The funny thing is, Mhairi is 2.5 and she insists the new baby will be [name]Eilidh[/name]. She gets very cross if I suggest [name]Madeline[/name] so may just have to go w/ [name]Eilidh[/name] to keep the peace haha [name]Maeve[/name] is also very pretty, thank you!

I would break the M theme and stick with the gaelic theme instead. An M theme seems like it could be really limiting, especially if it goes beyond your immediate family. [name]Eilidh[/name] looks lovely and sounds lovely with Mhairi.

[name]Madeline[/name] is so common, trendy and popular right now (probably because it is such a lovely name) it seems almost a shame to give one daughter such a special unique name and the other daughter a name that will someday be considered boring, overused and dated.

I adore [name]Eilidh[/name]! It is a name I love but wouldn’t be brave enough to use as a fn so I’ve stuck it in the middle of my combos usually… we’ll see once I have kids. I adore it with Mhairi! [name]Madeline[/name] just pales in comparison to me.

Thank you…I am leaning toward [name]Eilidh[/name] too but just would hate for her to feel left out someday for not having an M name but I think it would only be a big deal if we made it a big deal. It’s not like we sitting around talking about how great M names are haha It was honestly never even done intentionally, they just all happened to be M names!

I like Mhairi and [name]Eilidh[/name] together even though they end in a similar sound. If you don’t [name]LOVE[/name] another “M” name, then go with the Celtic theme instead. At least with the Celtic theme, the choices would be less limiting. You could always use [name]Madeline[/name] or another “M” name in the middle spot so that this girl will not feel left out.

Mhairi & [name]Brigid[/name]/[name]Bridget[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Bronwen[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Clodagh[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Elspeth[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Rhiannon[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Ciara[/name]/[name]Keira[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Aoife[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Niamh[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Ailsa[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Isla[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Bethan[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Isobel[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Caoimhe[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Davina[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Fiona[/name]/[name]Ffion[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Finola[/name]/[name]Fionnuala[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Gwyneira[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Roisin[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Saoirse[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Orlaith[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Kerensa[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Glynis[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Iona[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Grainne[/name]/[name]Grania[/name]
Mhairi & [name]Rhonwen[/name]

I absolutely adore [name]Eilidh[/name]! I’ve loved it for so long, but it just doesn’t seem that usable here, but I love it for you! Mhairi and [name]Eilidh[/name] are really adorable together. I love Nameberry’s meaning for it, too “sun, radiant one”. Although I’ve heard that [name]Eilidh[/name] is a form of [name]Helen[/name], in which it would mean “wicker; reed; torch; shoot; basket” (I’m not sure how [name]Helen[/name]/[name]Eilidh[/name] has so many meanings, lol, but I like the idea of a torch, shining brightly, or a new shoot coming up out of the ground, fresh and new and beautiful and yet strong. There’s some awesome Biblical symbolism with reeds, too, which I really love. Maybe it’s just me, ha). [name]Eilidh[/name] gets my vote, but [name]Madeleine[/name]/[name]Madeline[/name] is lovely, as well.

If you want another Gaelic “M” name, here are a few ideas:

[name]Margaret[/name] (I guess it’s not technically Gaelic, but it seems to get used quite a bit in Gaelic/Irish circles, and [name]Maggie[/name] is adorable! Not to mention [name]Maisie[/name], [name]May[/name], [name]Greta[/name], [name]Meg[/name], etc.)

[name]Maeve[/name] is a great suggestion, though. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I think your daughter’s name is beautiful! I saw it and just thought it looks lovely without even knowing how to say it. Now that you mention the pronunciation, I love it even more! I think that it would be really wonderful to stick with a Gaelic theme. I agree with many of the other posters that [name]Madeline[/name] just doesn’t measure up because it’s so common in comparison. I don’t mean that it’s a bad name or not pretty, because it is, but [name]Eilidh[/name] would fit so well with Mhairi. Its really cute that your daughter is so attached to the name already. I think you’re right. You may end up with [name]Eilidh[/name] just because she loves it so much :slight_smile:

Ditto the others who say stick with the Gaelic theme. I think [name]Mischa[/name]'s got a good idea, to make the middle name an M name. [name]Eilidh[/name] is a lovely choice.

I think [name]Eilidh[/name] goes so much better with Mhairi- [name]Madeline[/name] clashes.

take advantage of the fact that you can use Gaelic names without worrying about how people will handle pronouncing them!

I guess it depends if you want to start your own theme or continue the tradition of M theme.

I just joined this forum today and so glad I did! What an amazing amount of feedback from people. Thank you all so much for weighing in. I have a lot more to think about now, which is what I wanted! There are some great ideas here! I am def leaning more and more toward [name]Eilidh[/name] now as I agree w/ others, it does flow nicer w/ Mhairi. And the idea of an M middle name is also a great idea! I could even use one of the other M family members as a middle name to be even more special.

I love [name]Eilidh[/name], I think Mhairi and [name]Eilidh[/name] would make a great pair of sisters. I rather like the combo of [name]Eilidh[/name] [name]Madeline[/name] actually, if you hadn’t already got a middle name set I think they’d go well together.

i would pick the gaelic theme and the name you’ve picked out is great :slight_smile:

Personally I’d try to go with both themes. The M family theme is so sweet and I really think a gaelic name would go best with your Mhairi.

@ashthedreamer already listed some great ideas. I’d add:
[name]Mave[/name] (alternative spelling to [name]Maeve[/name])

[name]Even[/name] the irish form of [name]Madeline[/name] -> Madailéin might be a great fit. [name]How[/name] about Madailéin [name]Eilidh[/name]?

Oh wow, I had never heard the Irish form of [name]Madeline[/name]. [name]Love[/name] the spelling, very pretty.Is it pronounced the same? Or is there any different emphasis? The way I had been pronouncing [name]Madeline[/name] in my head was [name]Madalynn[/name]. But I liked the [name]Madeline[/name] spelling. Lots of great ideas! Madailein [name]Eilidh[/name] sounds very pretty…not sure how to do that accent w/ my keyboard haha

I say go Gaelic!