Still looking for a name for Lila's brother

Hello AGAIN! so as amny of you already know I have a daughter named [name]Lila[/name] (leela) [name]Aveline[/name] and am due in early Feb with a boy. Many of you voted and narrowed our choices down to two [name]Rio[/name] and [name]Zephyr[/name]. But now that its getting closer hubby is feeling like [name]Zephyr[/name] is just trying TOO hard. So we began discussing other names. We like nature names that are easy to pronounce and uncommon. [name]Rio[/name] and [name]Zephyr[/name] are still in the running but now we are considering.
what do you think of [name]Stetson[/name] with possible middle names [name]FOX[/name], [name]WOLF[/name], lighning…


What does it mean? Where does it come from? I can honestly say I’ve never heard of [name]Stetson[/name]. It does remind me a bit of the Jetsons and I can imagine it would be hard for someone with a lisp or stutter to pronounce. It also seems similar to [name]Stephen[/name] or [name]Steven[/name] which you may like. Other than that, I’m unsure sorry.

Good [name]Luck[/name]:slight_smile:

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Meryl[/name]!

[name]Stetson[/name]. Very cowboy! (charlie - stetson is a name of a western brand, I think that they primarily sell cowboy hats, but maybe boots, too).

[name]Lila[/name] [name]Adeline[/name] (is it [name]Ade[/name]-line or leen?) is very pretty!

I see with names more like [name]Ellis[/name], [name]Theo[/name], [name]Marshall[/name], [name]Everett[/name], [name]Hugh[/name], [name]Murray[/name], [name]Jasper[/name] and [name]Murphy[/name]. These to me, still have the western feel, but don’t create such the strong image. I feel like [name]Stetson[/name], unless he becomes a rodeo cowboy, may be too much, but then I lived in [name]Texas[/name] for a long time so I have a strong association with the name.

I however love the names [name]Fox[/name] and [name]Wolf[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you like any of the names above? Is your family active in the rodeo?

lol your comment about my family being in the rodeo made me laugh so hard! No we are not involved at all in the rodeo. I live in Los angeles so [name]Stetson[/name] so us doe snot sound cowboy ish at all! but Im glad to get input from someone who has lived in [name]Texas[/name].

My daughter is [name]Lila[/name] [name]AVELINE[/name] (ave leen). she was named [name]Lila[/name] as it is a lilac flower in spanish and [name]Aveline[/name] was a name my sister chose for her. I do like a lot of the names you suggested like [name]Theo[/name], short for [name]Thelonious[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name]. However [name]Jasper[/name] was taken off the list as it has become VERY popular in our area. [name]Theo[/name] was taken off as DH was not a huge fan of it.

thank you for your input.

[name]Stetson[/name] means Stephens son like [name]Tennyson[/name] means denise’s son. It is also a brand of cowboy hats. The cowboy thing does not bother me so much as i live in Los angeles and no one really has that association.

LOL. I’m glad that the Rodeo Cowboy association thing doesn’t bother you. I never even thought about it as associated with [name]Steven[/name]. It’s a really cool name, I just think: [name]Stetson[/name], Wrangler and [name]Levi[/name]. That’s nuts that it has such a completely different association where you live!

[name]Hi[/name]! I have to admit that [name]Stetson[/name] is 100% hat to me, and nothing else. I looked at what [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] wrote about it, and they said the same thing. I then Googled “[name]Stetson[/name]” to see if I could find anything else, but the only items that appeared aside from endless hat companies and hat advertisements were links to [name]Stetson[/name] cologne and [name]Stetson[/name] University. I looked it up in the dictionary, and it’s defined as a brand of cowboy hat and nothing else.

I’ve never seen a cowboy in my life, but still immediately think of cowboys and [name]Stetson[/name] hats when I hear the name.

If you’re not a hat fan, a cowboy fan, or a [name]Stetson[/name] Cologne fan, I’d personally stick with [name]Rio[/name], which feels strong and masculine to me, and works well with [name]Lila[/name].

I hope you’re doing well! Only three more months!!! :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I vote for [name]Rio[/name]! I too live in [name]California[/name], have nothing to do with rodeo but automatically associate [name]Stetson[/name] with big-time, rodeo-riding, hat-wearing cowboy.

I agree with everything [name]Jill[/name] said.

Here are some names that mean wolf that I think are nice

[name]Rolf[/name] and [name]Zev[/name].

[name]Zev[/name] [name]Stuart[/name] the first because it means wolf and the second because it is close to stetson and is a gorgeous name.

(On second thoughts is [name]Zev[/name] too close to Zeds meaning you are having a sleep?)

I like [name]Rolf[/name] [name]Aalto[/name]

I do like [name]Zev[/name] and will run it by DH. [name]Aalto[/name] very cool. for some reason i dont like rolf it just looks misspelled to me. Thank u