One of my fathers friends Pit Bull is pregnant and when she gives birth I will be hopefully taking one of her puppies! [name]Even[/name] though this is way in advance I was thinking of a name for the little pup. I live in a house with five women so my mom is dead against having a girl dog, but I already have a name that I like for a girl, [name]Echo[/name]. For a boy it’s kinda another story, I found a name that I thought was strong and perfect for a Pit Bull, [name]Mordecai[/name], but my dad says it sounds soft! I also like [name]Poppy[/name] and [name]Dresden[/name] for a boy but not as much as [name]Mordecai[/name], so are there any strong boy names you can think of for a pit bull.
This is why when I have kids no one will know the name… :roll:
Years ago, I went with my friend to get her cat’s nails clipped. He was a kitten, so they were teaching her how to do it. Anyway, there was a big, old orange cat there who was up for adoption. His name was [name]Mordecai[/name], and I think of him whenever I hear that name! I think it’s great! Plus it means warrior! I say go for it!
Pit bulls can make wonderful pets. But before you get him/her you might want to check your home owner’s policy. Most major insurance carriers will not cover claims if they pertain to pit bulls, Rotties, and some other breeds.
Also, some local ordinances prohibit bully breeds. It would be worthwhile to check.
Some research has shown that dogs respond better to names ending in O and A. You hear alot of police dogs named [name]Hero[/name], [name]Roscoe[/name], [name]Echo[/name], [name]Milo[/name], [name]Sasha[/name],or [name]Greta[/name]. Evidently, the dogs hear and repond better. Only 1 of my dogs has that ending. Her name is [name]Xena[/name] and I’m not sure she responds better that the other 2.
If you name him [name]Mordecai[/name] you could call him [name]Cai[/name]. or you could name him [name]Micah[/name]. I would think a softer name would be better for a pitbull anyway. If you have friends over and say here’s my dog Brownie. It would seem friendlier than saying here’s my dog [name]Jack[/name] the Ripper if you know what I mean.
Thank you for the advice. I have looked into the home owners policy and they do allow pitbulls. I will also look into the insurance. Thank you.
That’s why I love [name]Mordecai[/name], [name]Cai[/name] is soft to me so it kinda evens out. My last dog was Marshmallow so I guess I want a stronger name than that haha, which won’t be hard. [name]Mordecai[/name] just seems like “the name” but I guess I do want back up names.
[name]Mordecai[/name] makes me think of one of those sleek villains in a dark urban fairy tale movie or comic book like The [name]Crow[/name] or The Matrix or something. I love it! (Of course, there is also [name]Mordecai[/name] from the Bible, and he was no slouch!)
Haha okay maybe not strong like that! But I have to say Chomp is kinda cute since it reminds me of [name]Mario[/name] Party.
[name]Mordecai[/name] is still pretty much winning, But I found more names :lol:
[name]Dresden[/name](not new but still on the list)
[name]Steele[/name]([name]Love[/name] the Steelers)
I know I’m weird but I want his name to be perfect!
P.S. Hate Spike collars, to me that is just plain abuse.
Pits are great dogs, extremely loyal, and sooo loving! The only “rules” I’ve heard about animal names is that they should be 2-3 syllables to avoid confusion with commands (such as sit, come, no, off, etc.) and that they should start with hard consonants.
Anyway, a good friend of mine has a pit named Trigger, it fits him perfectly.