Struggles with Sticking to a Name

[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! I think I am in need of fresh perspectives…

About a week ago, I posted a topic asking for advice on a name change for myself. Since then, I’ve thought about it a lot and I actually managed to find one from my own collection that I really like. It’s the only name ever that felt SO right I was able to tell people about it!

Now, that name just happens to also be the first name of one of my absolute favourite musicians. I think he did indirectly play a part in turning my attention towards the name and putting it on my list a few years ago, but I wouldn’t say I’d be actively naming myself AFTER him. And yet, my brain can’t seem to get over it.
I’ve got this irrational fear of seeing the name TOO much and ending up disliking it and I just overall feel a little weird about sharing a first name with a popular figure now. I also find that I hold namesakes to REALLY high standards, I am terrified somebody “bad” is going to turn up and tarnish the name.
But I really don’t want to either have to give up the name or stop listening to the artist just because my brain tells me to. It just can’t seem to accept a namesake (or being “confronted” with it on a daily basis) and I don’t know what to do!
I am obviously aware that EVERY name is going to come with associations and there is no shame in sharing a name with someone, but I think it’s a lot harder when you’re the one choosing it and trying to stand by it…

(I am not naming the name because I am terribly superstitious, but it’s currently rising in popularity on Nameberry! I’m from [name_u]Germany[/name_u] and have never met someone with the name and wouldn’t say it is majorly popular overall)

I don’t really know what kind of response I’m looking for, but I think any reassurance or rectifying my thought spirals would be really helpful and greatly appreciated!! Thank you <3

You can always start going by it without changing anything legally! That way there won’t be permanent consequences if you decide to change it back

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Okay, some things to consider:

  • have you tried out the name on people in your life? would they or have they made any connection to the musician?
  • have you tried the name out on yourself? have you tried wearing it, introducing yourself as it, referring to yourself as it - I think it would be hard to judge how you’re really going to feel about it and take to it until you’ve tried it out?
  • is it a name with other associations - other namesakes? maybe looking up some of them would detach it from exclusively one person?
  • take some of the pressure off yourself maybe? you can try the name out without legally changing it and that means if it stops fitting, you can look for something else?

Thank you so much! Part of it I am already trying to implement a bit, sort of taking it step by step, changing it here and there and trying to actively refer to myself with it in my own thought to try and make some sort of connection… But I definitely have to ask some people in my life to try it out, too!
They all don’t know the musician, I think he’ a bit more niche and maybe that in my head also contributes to the weird feeling because it feels so specific, if that makes sense?
But taking off some pressure is definitely the BEST advice, this is all I’ve been thinking about this entire day :see_no_evil:

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Yes, definitely! I will try my very best to take it a bit more leniently than am doing right now :grimacing:
Changing it legally would be a whole court process where I live, maybe luckily so or I would really end up rushing into things :sweat_smile:

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