In your opinion, which nickname names or very short (2-3 letters) names are strong/sturdy enough to stand on their own as a full given name? In my case, the middle name for my kids will be VERY long, so I want to make sure I have an easy and simple first to go with it. I”m looking for something that feels stylish or not dated without being too trendy or popular.
Off the top of my head (although some may argue if they”re substantial enough on their own)”
There are so many great 4-5 letter names out there that I am considering too, but for the sake of this post I wanted to narrow it down to the super short names in case I missed something that could work.
I didn’t see [name]Cy[/name], [name]Dex[/name], or [name]Rue[/name] on the lists. I did see [name]Ami[/name] for a boy which is really cool but I like the spelling Ahmi so people don’t call him [name]Amy[/name].
Some of those are pretty obscure, but they’re interesting to consider. I’m not sure I love all of them as first names, but you never know. [name]Bo[/name]/[name]Beau[/name] is a personal favorite of mine, along with [name]Kip[/name], [name]Jet[/name] and [name]Ori[/name]. [name]Pia[/name] is one of my favorite girls names and its so short and simple! [name]Hope[/name] that helps!
Wow, so many great suggestions! A group of these I would eliminate due to popularity or on the flip side being too vanilla/bland for me. Then there are some I like but sound too flimsy in my opinion to hold up as a full name. And unfortunately I don’t think I can use anything that ends with a hard c/k or that has a long i sound due to flow problems with my last name.
The ones I like are:
[name]Ace[/name] - Is this sturdy enough to be a full name?
[name]Ben[/name] - Is this too vanilla or stale, or is it starting to sound fresh again?
[name]Bo[/name] ” I think I like the [name]Beau[/name] spelling best, but I like it!
[name]Dex[/name] ” Can this really stand alone? If [name]Dax[/name] can stand alone, I don”t know why [name]Dex[/name] couldn”t, but everyone would think his name is short for [name]Dexter[/name].
[name]Fox[/name] ” Pretty cool name, but not sure I would be brave enough to use it. Does this fall in the ”trying to hard” category?
[name]Ian[/name] ” a family friend claimed this one.
[name]Jet[/name]/[name]Jed[/name] ” I think [name]Jet/name is more up my ally. Sounds like a cool guy.
[name]Ken[/name] ” Is this ready for a comeback, or does the [name]Barbie[/name]/[name]Ken[/name] assoc keep it off the market? Plus, will nn [name]Kenny[/name] always have a negative Southpark connection?
[name]Kip[/name] ” This one is interesting”.kind of like it. I need to let that one simmer and come back to it.
[name]Rio[/name] ” This one intrigues me.
[name]Wes[/name] ” I think I like this, but not sure if I like [name]West[/name] better.
[name]Zac[/name] ” I like this name, too bad it ends with a hard C (it”s out).
[name]Ada[/name]/[name]Eva[/name] ” Are these too close to the [name]Ava[/name] craze? Pretty names, but too popular for me.
[name]Bri[/name] ” Like this, but leaning towards [name]Brie[/name] or [name]Bree[/name] spelling.
[name]Bay[/name]/[name]Fay/name/[name]Rae[/name] ” I like all these. Which of these is the most stylish choice? I might like [name]Mae[/name] better than these 3.
[name]Gia[/name] ” Like this, but is it too Italian (we are not)?
[name]Ren[/name] ” like this, but would probably use [name]Wren[/name] spelling.
[name]Tea[/name] ” I like this one, but I”m not sure if I want to deal with the accent mark. And I don”t love the [name]Taya[/name] spelling. I like the sound of it though.
[name]Tai[/name] ” This wasn”t suggested and I know it has the long i sound that I am avoiding, but I am kind of digging it for a girl.
Thanks for all the feedback. On a side note, I’ve never heard of [name]Dax[/name] for a girl…that’s different.
[name]Ace[/name] - I do think this works on it’s own, however it makes a nice nn for [name]Asa[/name] (ace-uh).
[name]Ben[/name] - I would worry that everyone would assume that his full name is [name]Benjamin[/name]. I like [name]Ben[/name] though, it’s one of my favorite nicknames for boys.
[name]Bo[/name] ” I prefer [name]Beau[/name] as well. This is one of my top names. Simple but dashing.
[name]Dex[/name] ” “Everyone would think his name is short for [name]Dexter[/name].” This. I worry about this with a lot of nickname names, if you like the sound, go with [name]Dax[/name].
[name]Fox[/name] ” this name is beyond cool. But is it too cool? I think it takes a certain kid/family to pull off. My main worry is that it is one letter off from being very close to being a swear word. But if you can look past that, this is, imo, the epitome of cool.
[name]Ian[/name] ” shucks! I love [name]Ian[/name].
[name]Jet[/name]/[name]Jed[/name] ” [name]Jett[/name] is like [name]Fox[/name], but more mainstream. It works very well as a name and is familiar enough that it won’t raise too many eyebrows.
[name]Ken[/name] ” I just picture a middle-aged guy or the male barbie doll when I hear this name. Sorry.
[name]Kip[/name] ” [name]Love[/name] [name]Kip[/name]. It’s traditionally a nickname for [name]Christopher[/name] (as [name]Kit[/name] is). It sounds bright and fun.
[name]Rio[/name] ” Very cool, exotic, beachy. I would use this if it didn’t sound off with all the other names I love.
[name]Wes[/name] ” Reminds me of [name]Wes[/name] [name]Anderson[/name]. Not a bad association at all. I prefer [name]West[/name] as well, but [name]Wes[/name] is cool.
[name]Zac[/name] ” not a huge fan, [name]Zachary[/name] is quite popular so there are a lot of Zacs running around anyway.
[name]Ada[/name]/[name]Eva[/name] ” [name]Eva[/name] has definitely gained popularity, but [name]Ada[/name] has not (yet). It’s risen very slowly and is still in the 500s.
[name]Bri[/name] ” Cute. Prefer [name]Bree[/name] though. [name]Bri[/name] seems abrupt and [name]Brie[/name] is cheesy
[name]Bay[/name]/[name]Fay/name/[name]Rae[/name] ” I like [name]Mae[/name] better than all these too. But my favorite is probably [name]Faye[/name].
[name]Gia[/name] ” I like this, but it’s very popular among Italian-Americans, so it’s rising fast. [name]Gianna[/name] is also getting popular (top 100) so this is fated for increased usage.
[name]Ren[/name] ” [name]Love[/name] [name]Wren[/name].
[name]Tea[/name] ” I think people could get used to pronouncing this [name]Tay[/name]-uh pretty easily. [name]Tea[/name] [name]Leoni[/name] is a pretty mainstream actress.
[name]Tai[/name] ” When I hear the name [name]Tai[/name] I think of [name]Britney[/name] [name]Murphy[/name]'s character in Clueless. I get a strong 90s vibe from it. Prefer [name]Kai[/name].
Freckles: Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback! I agree with most everything you wrote. Question: Does [name]Tea[/name] need to have the accent mark, or else it would be pronounced like tea(tee)/coffee? For some reason an accent mark is slightly intimidating to me…but I really like the name aside from that.
Gabby1: Forgot to mention that from your list I like [name]Clay[/name], [name]Nico[/name], [name]Drew[/name], [name]Enzo[/name]…good suggestions.
Does [name]Drew[/name] seem unisex because of [name]Drew[/name] Barrymore or does it still seem masculine and belong to the boys for the most part? My DH doesn’t like names that sound too soft or used widely for girls too.
[name]Ace[/name] - I don’t like this as a formal first name, only a nickname.
[name]Ben[/name] - [name]Ben[/name] is nice but bland for me. Plus I don’t see it as stand alone, but always short for [name]Benjamin[/name].
[name]Bo[/name] ” I love [name]Bo[/name]. Good strong short scandinavian name that’s fun to say!
[name]Dex[/name] ” I like [name]Dax[/name] much more than I like [name]Dex[/name], probably b/c to me it is a nickname for [name]Dex[/name], and I always think Poindexter = nerd when I hear this name.
[name]Fox[/name] ” Absolutely trying too hard.
[name]Ian[/name] ” Too bad this is out b/c it’s a great name.
[name]Jet[/name]/[name]Jed[/name] ” I also out [name]Jet[/name]/t into the “trying to hard” category, but I really like [name]Jed[/name].
[name]Ken[/name] ” I don’t think it’s ready for a comeback. [name]Will[/name] always be short for [name]Kenneth[/name].
[name]Kip[/name] ” Nice
[name]Rio[/name] ” Not a fan, maybe b/c I can only see this on a girl.
[name]Wes[/name] ” I don’t feel [name]Wes[/name] is a stand alone name. But I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]West[/name] (and have added to my own list!)
[name]Zac[/name] ” Again, I just feel that this is not a stand alone name, but only short for [name]Zachery[/name]
[name]Drew[/name] - I love [name]Drew[/name]. Definitely still for boys. [name]Drew[/name] Brees? He’ pretty darn manly.
[name]Clay[/name] – meh. Feels 80’s soap opera to me.
[name]Nico[/name] - fantastic name.
[name]Enzo[/name] – If you feel [name]Gia[/name] is “to italian” for you, I would think this name also problematic.
[name]Ada[/name]/[name]Eva[/name] ”These are exactly like the [name]Ava[/name] craze.
[name]Bri[/name] ” I like [name]Bree[/name] alot. [name]Brie[/name] is a cheese.
[name]Bay[/name]/[name]Fay/name/[name]Rae[/name] ” I like [name]Faye[/name] most, but [name]Mae[/name] is lovely too.
[name]Gia[/name] ” This doesn’t feel “strudy” to me.
[name]Ren[/name] ” [name]Love[/name] [name]Wren[/name].
[name]Tea[/name] ” ZHmmm… it may need the accent. My initial instinct was to say “tea” not [name]Tay[/name]-uh
[name]Tai[/name] ” I love [name]Tai[/name] for a girl, also Thais (Tie-eeese)
Frankly I prefer the names from your original list more than many of these, primarily because most of the boys names don’t qualify as stand alone names to me, but shortened versions of longer names.
Also, I’m learning from your lists that I generally don’t like nouns as names (clay, jet, fox, ace) with [name]Wren[/name] being the exception (maybe because the word wren is itself a proper noun, not “bird”)
A fun challenge! What are the long middle names that you are thinking of using? I think learning those will help.
[name]Ace[/name]– I actually grew up with an [name]Ace[/name] and he carried it very well. Makes me think of vintage playing cards and 60s casinos. And I think I like that. Makes me want to write a period tv show about a clever and dashing commercial pilot who loves the ladies. But maybe that’s just me [name]Bo[/name]– I also grew up with a few Bos. Honestly, regardless of the spelling, I always thought it came across a little hick-y. But that could have been the east tx locale. I do know an adorable 5 yo [name]Boaz[/name], though. He goes by [name]Bo[/name] and it suits him. Also a short name. [name]Nico[/name]– I love this name so much! That’s all. Also makes me think of [name]Milo[/name] from the top of my own list. [name]West[/name]– fantastic! Makes me think of both Batman and a whimsical adventurer. [name]Brie[/name]– it’s funny, I always disliked this name until you spelled it like the cheese. Now I think it’s adorable–as a nickname. I do think it might be a bit much as a stand alone name, though, only because no one else here seems to love it like I do… [name]Wren[/name]– I just don’t get it. Yes my personal bully from middle school had this as her last name. But I don’t think it sounds pretty at all. Maybe with a british accent or something? In [name]America[/name], I think it sounds harsh. [name]Mae[/name]– love! I prefer [name]Fae[/name] spelling to [name]Faye[/name].
What about:
[name]Sim[/name] (like [name]Simon[/name])
[name]Lev[/name] or [name]Liev[/name]
My situation is a bit unique in that my kids will be given traditional hawaiian middle names. It’s family tradition that a “kupuna” gives these names and often they aren’t given until late in pregnancy or after birth. Of course this makes things tough for naming sake, but I would assume it will be at least 5 syll long (my DH’s mn is 8 syll) and there are only so many letters/sounds in the hawaiian alphabet which sort of helps when I think of flow. But that’s why it’s important for me to have several options picked out, just in case my top name doesn’t work with the middle.
I think right now [name]Rex[/name] and [name]June[/name] are front runners (good suggestion steponme). I actually really like [name]Juniper[/name] too, but that breaks my own rules. Another one I love that breaks my short/simple rule is [name]Corinne[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are 7 letters…might be hard to fit all that on a license or plane ticket. Hmmm…this naming business is tough.
I’m going to run some of these by DH and get his thoughts and start refining my list.
I love [name]Rex[/name] and [name]June[/name]! Also wanted to throw in [name]Lea[/name] (prn “lee” or like [name]Leah[/name]) and [name]Ria[/name] on the girls’ side. I met a girl named [name]Ria[/name] and I thought it was a lovely name. It also means “laugh” in Spanish which I think is a very beautiful meaning.
Two more suggestions for you, based on your feedback on [name]Tea[/name] and [name]June[/name]:
[name]Thea[/name] - don’t have to worry about accent with this name for pronunciation issues. If you like [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Eva[/name], I feel like [name]Thea[/name] could be their sister? Same feel… I like [name]Tea[/name] too though. [name]Just[/name] thought I’d mention it.
[name]Junia[/name] - middle of the road between [name]June[/name] and [name]Juniper[/name] for you. And I love the story behind this name. According to The [name]Baby[/name] Name [name]Wizard[/name]: In Romans 16:7, [name]Junia[/name] was described as “of note among the apostles.” If you don’t find her in your Bible, it’s because commentators in the Middle Ages decided that such a description of a woman must be wrong. They scratched out [name]Junia[/name] and came up with the masculine Junias in its place. Many translators today are reversing that decision. Call this one a traditional name that bucks tradition.
I actually like [name]Thea[/name], but how would this name be pronounced? Is it THee-a, [name]THay[/name]-a, Tee-a, or [name]Tay[/name]-a? I would be worried about a child constantly having to correct people. But it’s definitely one to think about.