Suggest exotic, fragrant, and unusual 'wildflower names'

I’m always on the look out for unusual ‘fragrant’ beauties to consider for my list, mainly as middles, but also as first names. They often feel exotic and colourful, and (for me) tend to end in -ine or -ne or -the rather than a. I’m talking about those names you see in combos that make you hold your breath for a second.

Names like:


Can you add to this list? Specifically, longer names with this sort of fairytale / fantasy / wildflower-like feel.


Some names that have stood out to me like this are–

[name_f]Gwendolyn[/name_f] (not exactly unusual, but still long and lovely with a fairy tale feel…there’s also [name_f]Gwendolene[/name_f])

There are a lot of Cornish and Welsh names that fall into this category for me. They aren’t as delicate as the -ine names, but many are long and very fairy tale-esque.


I like [name_f]Amapola[/name_f] and [name_f]Amidala[/name_f] :slight_smile: they end with -a, which may not be your preference, but they both fit the ‘exotic, fragrant wildflower’ imagery so well that I think they are still worthy of a little consideration (:

@chelsanne22 - I definitely agree with the Cornish/Welsh thing! I remember a name very like Gwenhamara - it’s probably a variation of - in Sword at Sunset [Rosemary Sutcliff] - Guenhumara - which is supposed to be an equivalent for Guinevere; I think it’s gorgeous. Thank you for your suggestions - I’d completely forgotten about Hannelore, but I love it. Valeraine and Alissandrine are new ones for me, but I like them a lot. And of course Gwyneira - just beautiful.

@luneth - Thank you! Gwenllian is lovely, I agree - the only downside is that I’m not Welsh so I always feel like I’m guessing at the pronunciation! Fiammetta is lovely, too, I think that’s going on my list for possible middles for Ginevra. And Leilani - I find myself liking that more than I have before. I’m going to look up Proserpina / Proserpine and Forsythia. [Odelia’s one of my top girl names btw, so I like that she fits this feel for you! I think of her as a so-lovely-she’s-almost-brash sunflower.]

@yuma - They definitely fit the imagery! My only problem with -a names is that a lot of my other favourite names also end in -a and it can sound a little repetitive. Also, I just think names ending in -ine etc. sound lovely in the middle in general. I have never even thought about Amidala - to be honest I guess I assumed it was made up for Padme - but I actually really like it. The meaning is gorgeous! Amapola’s pretty too.

[name_f]Calanthe[/name_f] / [name_f]Calantha[/name_f]
[name_f]Faustine[/name_f] / [name_f]Faustina[/name_f]
[name_u]Florentine[/name_u] / [name_f]Florentina[/name_f]
[name_f]Gwendolen[/name_f] / [name_f]Gwendoline[/name_f]
[name_f]Delphine[/name_f] / [name_f]Delphina[/name_f] / [name_f]Delphinia[/name_f] / Delphinium


[name_u]Read[/name_u] today about a “Rosamée” Thought it was beautiful and I think it fits in with your names

@gildedfairyx - I love Celandine!! My other favourites from your list are [name_f]Florentina[/name_f] and [name_f]Ondine[/name_f]. I’m sort of trying to get into [name_f]Morwenna[/name_f] for a FN, but I do think it’s lovely in the MN spot too - [name_f]Iris[/name_f] [name_f]Morwenna[/name_f] is a combo I’ve unwillingly cast aside in favour of another. [name_f]Cassiane[/name_f] is another I’ve thought about previously, but I much prefer [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] and the -ne also feels rather redundant. A pity really because it would sound good in some of my combos! Delphinium is a very intriguing option that I will have to consider, too.

@columbiacharm - [name_f]Arianell[/name_f] is one of the prettiest names I’ve ever seen! Thank you!! And I love the nn [name_f]Nell[/name_f], too. Plus it has a pretty meaning. [name_f]Olivet[/name_f]'s already on my radar, but I agree it definitely fits this category! [name_f]Endellion[/name_f] is probably my other favourite from your suggestions. I’d forgotten about it actually, but it is lovely! As is the imagery of Everlily - [name_f]Gwenore[/name_f] is stunning btw, I’ve just noticed it - and Lorien is rather pretty. I think I really like your list! [name_f]Esylit[/name_f] could make the cut but I’ve decided to abandon [name_f]Isolde[/name_f] and her variations since I don’t like the association with adultery.

@marie92 - Rosamee is very beautiful, isn’t it? Sadly I feel I should stay away from [name_f]Ros[/name_f]- middles since one of my favourite FNs is [name_f]Rosamund[/name_f] (and [name_f]Rosemary[/name_f] is there in the background too). There are so many gorgeous [name_f]Ros[/name_f]- names, and Rosamee is certainly one of the more uncommon. I’ll keep it in mind!

Thank you to all, there are some lovely suggestions here. If anyone has any names to add, feel free!
