Sweet Lydia

I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Lydia[/name]! The only [name]Lydia[/name] s I’ve ever heard of were [name]Winona[/name] [name]Ryder[/name]'s character in Beetlejuice, and a little girl I babysat as a teenager. [name]Little[/name] [name]Lydia[/name] was SO sweet and smart and fun, and I’ve held on to the name for the past 12 years. My husband HATES it. Although he can appreciate why I like it and the fact that it’s classy but not overused, he says all he can think of is the reference to [name]Lydia[/name] in the movie American Psycho (which is grotesque), and he can’t stand to think of his little girl with that association. Is it unfair of me to hope that he can let the association go, or should I drop it and keep looking?

It sucks, but I think you have to keep looking. Would you let him pick a name for your daughter that you hated? Maybe he’ll agree to use [name]Lydia[/name] as a middle name.

Good luck!

I agree - [name]Lydia[/name] is stunning - but if thats what he thinks about, then I may drop it. What about [name]Livia[/name]? Beautiful old [name]Roman[/name] name.

I second the suggestion of [name]Livia[/name] as an alternative. It wouldn’t be fair to use a name that he has a terrible association with. [name]Lavinia[/name] is another idea.

Why not use [name]Lydia[/name] as a middle name? Also, I don’t really think many people will associate [name]Lydia[/name] to American Psycho.

I am 100% for both parties deciding the name. That being said I will share our background…my husband did NOT like my daughter’s name when I 1st mentioned it. I let it slide and it ended up coming up later on and he adored it. This has been true for countless names along the line… because people make the names, dont you think? So names can certainly grow on you.

What you could do is allow him to be introduced to someone named [name]Lydia[/name] who would positively reinforce a kinder name association. That would be my best advice… and just give it time. But it is only fair to be open to other names in the meantime. :slight_smile:

I’m with you-- [name]Lydia[/name] is adorable! My husband is with yours- he doesn’t like it and his dislike isn’t even founded on anything. With names like that, I just drop it. I figure it I subtly mention it over time, he might grow to like it, otherwise I need to move on.

I’d keep suggesting the name and hoping he lets go of his association!

I suggest you do this. If you’ve already mentioned it more than once and he still hates it, move on. I’ve had to do this with a few of my favourites with my so. It sucks, but I wouldn’t be able to name a child a name I hated.

Seems like horror film associations are tough to drop. My hubby is very easy to work with but [name]Rosemary[/name] got a huge shudder because of his association. No way he could use it.

[name]Lydia[/name] has been one of my favourites for…oh, 20 years. I [name]LOVE[/name] it.

Wish I could suggest ways to get him on board, but I’m drawing a blank!

That’s funny! The name [name]Sydney[/name], when used on a girl, is forever linked in my mind to the first Scream movie. If it was a name I loved, I could easily get over it though, [name]Damian[/name] for example, is one of my favorites.

If he doesn’t like [name]Lydia[/name], try to convince him to at least mull it over and think about it. Maybe in time the association will go away. If not, then I would try to find another name. :frowning:

I love [name]Lydia[/name]! I think the petname [name]Lida[/name] is so retro adorable. I know how you feel having a namelove that your SO just immediatly dismisses… I say keep mentioning it and maybe he’ll realize how important it is to you and reconsider. It’s a fact that familiarizing a person with a name can warm them up to it :slight_smile:

Have you considered some names with a similar feel? Here are some similar sounds, maybe you can find one you both love: [name]Leda[/name], [name]Tabitha[/name], [name]Sabrina[/name], [name]Delilah[/name], [name]Alida[/name], [name]Cynthia[/name], [name]Diantha[/name], [name]Louisa[/name], [name]Elodia[/name], [name]Miranda[/name], [name]Claudia[/name], [name]Lyla[/name], [name]Cressida[/name], [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Isolde[/name], [name]Ottilie[/name], [name]Elidia[/name], [name]Melodia[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Olympia[/name], [name]Rosalind[/name], [name]Sidonie[/name], [name]Lillian[/name]