Well, Berries, what do you think? What’s the general feeling on [name]Tabor[/name] or [name]Tibor[/name] for a modern boy? [name]Do[/name] you prefer one over the other? What would you think if you met a [name]Tabor[/name] or a [name]Tibor[/name]?
I think I prefer Tiber, as in the river.
Not being familiar with either name, I prefer [name]Tibor[/name].
[name]Tibor[/name] makes me think of the Italian [name]River[/name] Tiber, but the O gives it a little extra strength. Sounds vaguely like [name]Tiger[/name]…
[name]Tabor[/name]… isn’t that an object that sits on an altar? My Catholic school days are all a blur… I also think of “labor,” “saber” “neighbor”
[name]Tibor[/name] makes me think tee-bird
I prefer [name]Tabor[/name], but I’m not really fond of either. I think it could work in a more religious family/community since it was a place in the Bible. So they wouldn’t stick out among the [name]Elisha[/name]'s and [name]Galilee[/name]'s
I am more familiar with [name]Taber[/name] personally, it was actually the top pick between an ex and myself years ago, after a dear friend of his. Now with [name]Taber[/name], I mostly think of the place and the corn.
I love [name]Taber[/name] but would pronounce it with a long a sound ([name]Tayber[/name]). It fits in with all the Biblical names and sounds fresh. [name]Tibor[/name] sounds hard to pronounce and awkward to me.
[name]Tibor[/name] is the name of the foreign guy [name]Homer[/name] [name]Simpson[/name] blames stuff on at work on the Simpsons.
“Now, [name]Marge[/name], just remember. If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can’t speak English. [name]Ah[/name], [name]Tibor[/name], how many times have you saved my butt?”
I know that probably only die-hard Simpsons fans will think of this, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
[name]Tibor[/name] is pretty old-man to me.
I pronounce [name]Tabor[/name] as [name]Tayber[/name], and it sounds like a person saying Table, like how the waiters in A [name]Christmas[/name] [name]Story[/name] sound.
I know a [name]Tabor[/name] that is pronounced similarly to [name]Taylor[/name]. I found it unusual and handsomely quirky. [name]Tabor[/name] would be my choice because it is similar to a common name but still unusual and it would definitely be his own.
Kibby, do you spend a lot of time in southern [name]Alberta[/name]?! [name]Taber[/name] was my first though as well - family in Coaldale and Lethbridge ;p
Isn’t [name]Tabor[/name] a mountain in [name]Israel[/name]?
Hah-- wiki’d it-- supposedly the site of the Transfiguration, and the battle between [name]Barak[/name] and [name]Deborah[/name].
Very interesting and off-the-beaten-path biblical name.
I’m from Edmonton actually [name]Taber[/name] sends corn all over [name]Alberta[/name], there are roadside stands for it everywhere in the summer!!!
Crazy. I thought I would be the only one on nameberry to recognize [name]Taber[/name] as a Canadian place name. I was born in [name]Bow[/name] Island and my brother currently lives in Barnwell.
Awesome input, Berries! I love what I’m learning about [name]Tibor[/name] & [name]Tabor[/name]. [name]Blade[/name], I hadn’t made the biblical connection before you mentioned it. Very cool! bellachaira I always appreciate a relavent Simpsons quote - there seems to be at least one for every situation in life. I actually like [name]Tibor[/name] MORE after you reminded me of that
I hadn’t considered [name]Taber[/name] before & I like it. Thanks for contributing your thoughts, everyone!
Here’s some more info on [name]Tabor[/name] I found after looking up some of the stuff you guys wrote about. I think it is a really cool name - Tabor - Wikipedia. I like that it is a type of drum (among other things).
I don’t like either
Personally I like [name]Tibor[/name] better than [name]Tabor[/name] but both could work for a modern boy.