SO I’m sure you are all sick of my posts lately, but I am having such a hard time finding the right name for DD#3 and I’ve come to the conclusion that I think what is really holding me back is that I REALLY wanted to honor my great grandma, [name]Elma[/name] [name]Christene[/name], who I was very close with and who just recently passed away (at 102!). I’ve tried to look at it from all angles, trying to talk myself into [name]Elma[/name] as a FN, trying to find the right E.C. intial combination, but I just haven’t been able to. We had this inside thing that we used to say how we were “kindred spirits” and how the other one was such a “delight” or “delightful”— so what I’m wondering is if any of you can think of any names that mean either “kindred spirits” or “delight(ful)?” I’m going to try and salvage whatever sanity I have left and take a short break from the baby naming websites, but I wanted to post this last thing to see if it gives me any food for thought while I’m off. I would really appreciate anything you have to offer in a way to honor my great grandma.
Other DD’s names are MaeLee [name]Ann[/name] (goes exclusively by [name]Mae[/name]) and [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Rae[/name]. [name]Just[/name] so you know, some of the names me and DH both can agree on are [name]Isla[/name], [name]Anna[/name], [name]Evelyn[/name] and [name]Ada[/name]. We also like the name [name]June[/name], but won’t be using it as a FN since DD#1 is [name]Mae[/name]. We’d like a name that isn’t too long and that flows with her sisters names.
Thanks so much for all the help you have already given me–you guys are the best!