Hey y’all!
One of my goals that I’ve made for myself during this quarantine/lockdown/shutdown/whatever-you-want-to-call-it, is that I’d get my girls list down to a manageable 10-20 names, and that’d actually make a boys list. [name_f]My[/name_f] girls list is sitting at a whopping 75 names, so I’ve got a ways to go. I’m planning on doing it in stages until I get it down to something I’m happy with!
I have managed to decide on these so far: [name_f]Stephanie[/name_f], [name_f]Melanie[/name_f], [name_f]Bethany[/name_f], [name_f]Joanna[/name_f], [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f] and [name_f]Gemma[/name_f].
I’m breaking my list into sections at random and I’d like any/all feedback you’ve got for me! Convince me to keep them, or convince me to let them go!
Here is part two!
(Check out part 1 here and part 3 here!)
Thank you! 
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Francesca- keep it! It’s so lovely, while being spunky at the same time! [name_u]Frankie[/name_u] or [name_f]Franny[/name_f]/Frannie are cute nicknames! Or just leave [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] as it is, it’s gorgeous.
As I mentioned on part one, my vibe from your names is ‘once familiar but now underused’ and I think these ones totally fit with those on your list
Keep [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] & [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u]. I think they fit with the names you’ve decided on. They’re also cute and don’t necessarily require nicknames
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again, going with what I think fits your vibes most:
(but I looove [name_f]Keira[/name_f], [name_f]Francesca[/name_f], [name_f]Heidi[/name_f], & [name_f]Eve[/name_f]!)
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Keep [name_f]Katie[/name_f] and [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]! I’ve always had a soft spot for [name_f]Katie[/name_f]/Kate and [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] is just fun to say and has great nicknames. 
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Part two. For you I love:
My pick would be [name_f]Heidi[/name_f], but I would be most excited to see you use [name_f]Demi[/name_f] or [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u].
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I like so many from this list!
In terms of style match for your existing picks, I’d choose: [name_f]Melissa[/name_f], [name_f]Jessica[/name_f], [name_f]Jacqueline[/name_f], [name_u]Julie[/name_u], [name_f]Danielle[/name_f], [name_f]Erin[/name_f], [name_f]Christina[/name_f], [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u], [name_f]Amber[/name_f], [name_f]Carly[/name_f].
Independently of your current list, my favorites would be: [name_f]Laura[/name_f], [name_f]Heidi[/name_f], [name_f]Keira[/name_f], [name_f]Katie[/name_f]. I think [name_f]Laura[/name_f], [name_f]Heidi[/name_f], and [name_f]Katie[/name_f] would fit in nicely with your set! [name_f]Keira[/name_f] seems a little different.
Eve and [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] seem like outliers to me, although I like them both quite a bit.
I think my top favorites for you, all things considered, would be [name_f]Laura[/name_f] and [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u]!
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@NimbleNymph - Thank you! I love the idea of nn [name_u]Frannie[/name_u]! I think my favourite nn for [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] though is Chesca! It just feels so different!
@greyblue - Ooh I do agree, these definitely do fit the vibe you’ve described for me! Thank you!
@Carys1 - That’s also one thing I like, that they could go by full names or nicknames!
@regionlatbest - Thank you!! I know [name_f]Keira[/name_f]'s more of an outlier, but I do love it! 
@whatchamacallit - I too have a soft spot for [name_f]Katie[/name_f]/Kate! It was so hard for me to decide between [name_f]Caitlin[/name_f], [name_f]Kate[/name_f], [name_f]Katherine[/name_f] and [name_f]Katie[/name_f], LOL. I think I finally ended on [name_f]Katie[/name_f] though because ultimately, that’s what I’d call her no matter which name I used! Thank you!
@hyacinthbucket - Thank you! I would also be excited to use [name_f]Demi[/name_f] - not sure S/O would agree, but I might be able to convince him 
@dandy_orchid - Thank you! [name_f]Keira[/name_f] is a bit different, I was a bit worried about that, but I do really like it. I just wouldn’t want to have sisters named say, [name_f]Stephanie[/name_f], [name_f]Melanie[/name_f] and [name_f]Keira[/name_f], and then have [name_f]Keira[/name_f] seeming left out 
I’m team [name_f]Eve[/name_f] and [name_f]Keira[/name_f] here.
[name_f]Keira[/name_f] feels very you—it feels a bit 90s but also current, a bit like [name_f]Gemma[/name_f]!
And I just think [name_f]Eve[/name_f] is stunning. If I didn’t love [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] and [name_f]Eva[/name_f] so much, I’d probably have [name_f]Eve[/name_f] on my list…
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- [name_f]Michelle[/name_f] - Pretty overused in older generations, but definitely not in this. I have seen it worn only by one child under 10, and I think it works well. It definitely fits in with your list. Others that feel like this: [name_f]Danielle[/name_f], [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u], [name_f]April[/name_f].
- [name_f]Melissa[/name_f] - Mmm…I think [name_f]Melanie[/name_f] is better, tbh. [name_f]Melissa[/name_f] is so common that it feels ready for a break, imo. Others that feel like this to me: [name_f]Jessica[/name_f], [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f], [name_f]Christina[/name_f], [name_f]Amber[/name_f], [name_f]Carly[/name_f].
- [name_f]Jacqueline[/name_f] - Very elaborate and [name_u]French[/name_u], so doesn’t vibe quite as well with your other favorites, imho.
- [name_f]Laura[/name_f] - Yes! I think, much like [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] or [name_f]Michelle[/name_f], it would be unexpected to meet a little [name_f]Laura[/name_f]. [name_f]Laura[/name_f] has the rare ability to fit in with your more retro favorites as well as the vintage names that are coming back into style. [name_f]Laura[/name_f] definitely gets a vote from me!
- [name_f]Heidi[/name_f] - Not overused, and would definitely fit well on your list. I’d love to meet a little [name_f]Heidi[/name_f]!
- [name_f]Keira[/name_f] - Also not overused, but very sweet. I don’t think it has quite the same feel as [name_f]Stephanie[/name_f] and [name_f]Melanie[/name_f] and the rest, though. That’s not to say it couldn’t fit, but maybe not as well as some of your other options.
- [name_u]Julie[/name_u] - Definitely! This one feels like a natural addition to your list! Much like [name_f]Laura[/name_f], it fits well with your style and with current trends. I could totally see a little [name_u]Julie[/name_u] in there with the little Lilys, Sadies, and Ellies. [name_f]Katie[/name_f], too – Though it is pretty common among older girls, it would be pleasantly surprising, I think, to meet a little [name_f]Katie[/name_f] today. (I do know of a little [name_f]Caitie[/name_f] who’s about three, and it wears adorably well.)
- [name_f]Erin[/name_f] - Fits perfectly on your list, though it’s not my favorite of your options, tbh.
- [name_f]Demi[/name_f], [name_f]Eve[/name_f], and [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] - All feel a little out-of-place with your other favorite, imho.
Overall, from this list, I’d say [name_f]Michelle[/name_f], [name_f]Danielle[/name_f], [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u], [name_f]April[/name_f], [name_f]Laura[/name_f], [name_f]Heidi[/name_f], [name_u]Julie[/name_u], and [name_f]Katie[/name_f] are great possibilities for your list!
I like the names from your first list more, but there’s some cute ones here:
[name_f]Christina[/name_f] - classic and fits with your others well, can’t go wrong with this name
[name_f]April[/name_f] - unique but familiar too, quirky and feminine
[name_f]Danielle[/name_f] - nn suggestion: [name_u]Dani[/name_u] (cool girl vibes), very nice, goes well with [name_f]Stephanie[/name_f] and [name_f]Melanie[/name_f] imo
[name_f]Keira[/name_f] - I think this name is spunky, tough, but still very feminine, love it
The others are perfectly fine, but some are a bit too dated for me, like [name_f]Jessica[/name_f], [name_f]Michelle[/name_f], and [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f].
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To fit with your other choices I would choose [name_f]Jessica[/name_f], [name_f]Heidi[/name_f], [name_f]Keira[/name_f], [name_f]Danielle[/name_f] & [name_f]Katie[/name_f]
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@ashthedreamer - Thank you! I do love that about [name_f]Keira[/name_f], it feels like a nice sweet spot between the two styles!
@elanorelle - Thank you so much!!
@blondeberry1 - Thank you! I love [name_u]Dani[/name_u] as a nickname for [name_f]Danielle[/name_f]!!
@Sarah1694 - Thank you!! 
I’m voting to discard [name_f]Melissa[/name_f] (because you’re keeping [name_f]Melanie[/name_f]) and [name_f]Demi[/name_f] (because you’re keeping [name_f]Gemma[/name_f]).
There are also a few names on this list that are kind of either/or:
- Michelle vs. [name_f]Danielle[/name_f] - Both of these names are a fantastic stylistic match with your keepers. I’m going to give this Keep vote to [name_f]Danielle[/name_f], since [name_f]Michelle[/name_f] is already pretty similar to [name_f]Melanie[/name_f].
- Jessica vs. [name_f]Jacqueline[/name_f] vs. [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] vs. [name_u]Julie[/name_u] - because you already have [name_f]Joanna[/name_f] on your keep list, I’m guessing we aren’t keeping all five J names - unless you decide to go for an all-J sibset! [name_u]Julie[/name_u] seems the least stylistically compatible with your keep names. [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] and [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] definitely fit into the era I associate with your names, but compared to [name_f]Jacqueline[/name_f], they are a little more common and a little less special. I just freaking love [name_f]Jacqueline[/name_f] for you, so she gets my Keep vote.
That leaves:
- Laura - she fits the style of your keep names perfectly, but feels a little lackluster. Vote: Soft Discard.
- Heidi - less of a perfect match stylistically, but this is such a great name with so much warmth, playfulness, and sunny spunky vibes. Vote: Keep!
- Keira - lovely name, but I find it doesn’t fit the brief or blend well with your other keep names. Vote: Discard.
- Erin - I think this is a very pretty name, and it does fit the era, but it feels like a different style than your other names. Vote: Soft Discard.
- Christina - a perfect stylistic match with loads of nickname options. Vote: Keep.
- Eve - I love, love, LOVE the name [name_f]Eve[/name_f], and it’s on my own list. I just think that with your other keep names, it’s a bit jarring stylistically and doesn’t have that nineties vibe. It would make a fantastic MN though! Vote: Keep, but as a middle.
- Katie - a bit surprised to see [name_f]Katie[/name_f] here instead of [name_f]Katherine[/name_f], though it makes sense in context of your other -ie names. I think just [name_f]Katie[/name_f] is a bit weak compared with the other names in your keep list, being a nickname rather than a full name in her own right, but [name_f]Katherine[/name_f] nn [name_f]Katie[/name_f] would totally work. Vote: Keep, but as a nickname for [name_f]Katherine[/name_f].
- Francesca - definitely pushing the envelope stylistically compared to the other names on your list, but it still manages to work, especially when paired with [name_f]Gemma[/name_f]. Plus, there are loads of adorable nicknames! Vote: Keep!
- Chelsea - very much a stylistic match. I love the flouncy vibe she brings to your list. Vote: Keep!
- Amber - fits right in stylistically, but I personally have yet to meet an [name_f]Amber[/name_f] who gave me a positive association with the name. This is also one that you get a lot of people saying “that’s a stripper name.” Vote: Soft Discard.
- April - a lovely name, but stylistically at odds with the rest of your keep names. Vote: Discard.
- Carly - I understand why this name is here, because you seem to be drawn to names that end in the “ee” sound. But unlike your other keep names, which give off strong nineties vibes, [name_f]Carly[/name_f] feels very 2000s Disney [name_f]Channel[/name_f]. Vote: Discard.
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@lavenderwitch - Thank you so much! I do love [name_f]Jacqueline[/name_f]! The idea of an all J sibset doesn’t bother me terribly though
S/O’s name begins with J though so I’d be the odd one out! I do like the idea of [name_f]Eve[/name_f] in the middle spot, and I really struggled deciding whether or not I should keep [name_f]Katherine[/name_f] or have just [name_f]Katie[/name_f] - I ended up with just [name_f]Katie[/name_f] because I’d 99% of the time call her that 
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Top 5 in order:
[name_f]Laura[/name_f] (but you already knew that if you follow my posts! So lovely and underused!)
[name_f]Heidi[/name_f] (this is just so cute, and it gives me the best imagery! [name_u]Golden[/name_u] meadows and wildflowers!)
[name_f]Eve[/name_f] (so, so underused! Elegant and easily recognizable!)
[name_f]April[/name_f] (so underrated! Fits right in with other month names!)
[name_f]Keira[/name_f] (strong and simple. [name_f]Keira[/name_f] Knightley gives it a more elegant and glamorous feel!)
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From this list I like [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] (haven’t heard it in a while and I think it holds up) and [name_f]Keira[/name_f] (nice match for [name_f]Gemma[/name_f])
@may.rose - I did know you love [name_f]Laura[/name_f] actually! I used to prefer [name_f]Lauren[/name_f] myself, but with the surname, there’s too many repeated sounds
[name_f]Laura[/name_f] works wonderfully though! I also love the imagery for [name_f]Heidi[/name_f]!
@sarah1800 - Thank you! I do love that [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] has an almost classic feel to it!
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I love these from your list:
Michelle: recently fell in love with this after I realized all the potential nicknames are awesome!
Jacqueline: I’ve always had a soft spot for this name. Elegant without being overstated.
Heidi: I think this one is ready for a comeback! I always think of the book
good vibes.
Erin: I have strong positive associations with this name, and I think it’s recognizable but not overly popular. Always liked this one (and I strongly prefer it to [name_m]Aaron[/name_m]).
April: this has been a favorite of mine for a while, and I recently read a book that made me fall in love with it again. Definitely my most loved of all the month names (though I’m also fond of [name_u]June[/name_u]).
I also really want to love Danielle, and objectively it’s a lovely name, but I have a strong negative association with it that makes it hard for me to be objective about this name. But it’s a great one and I encourage you to keep it.