Talk me into your favorite William nickname

So [name]William[/name] is my favorite boys’ name, but I haven’t fallen in love with any of his nicknames, and I just know that it’s the kind of name that would be shortened- I’d like it to be shortened.

I like [name]Wills[/name], [name]Will[/name] and [name]Wim[/name] but none of them are seeming quite right. [name]Wills[/name] seems forced and it’s hard to say, [name]Will[/name] is very common and I just don’t love it, and [name]Wim[/name], which is my favorite, seems like it’d be silly in real life.

I dislike [name]Bill[/name], [name]Billy[/name] and [name]Willy[/name], and [name]Liam[/name] isn’t my style.

But please try to convince me of your favorite despite my complaints! I really want to love a [name]William[/name] nickname.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I agree with the nns you like. [name]Will[/name] and [name]Wim[/name] are my favorites. I also dislike [name]Bill[/name], [name]Billy[/name], and [name]Willy[/name]. I like [name]Liam[/name], but as its own name - not as a nn for [name]William[/name]. I’d go with [name]Wim[/name] and then let it evolve into [name]Will[/name] if need be as he gets older.

I agree! [name]William[/name] is my second favorite boys’ name and there are so many nicknames. Besides the ones mentioned, I like Wimby and [name]Wylie[/name]/[name]Wiley[/name], too.

I love [name]William[/name] and would love to call a little boy [name]Will[/name]. It is such a proper name, even as a nickname, and I appreciate that. [name]Bill[/name] and [name]Billy[/name] are too “liitle boy”, I think. I would use it myself but have the last name [name]WIlson[/name] - all I can think is “Wee [name]Willy[/name] [name]Wilson[/name]” so that is out for us! :slight_smile: