Talking about Baylor and other jokes

I absolutely hate [name_f]Baylor[/name_f]. It’s one of the most hideous, unfortunate names I’ve ever seen. It’s absolutely gross! [name_m]Just[/name_m]… unbelievably ugly!

Someone doesn’t like me saying that, but I don’t care.

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you think [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] is disgusting? What other names make you laugh with their hideousness?

Not to bash anyone, but [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] is probably one of my least favorite names, along with other 'kree8yv" invented names. There’s a photo on Pinterest (I’ll link to it below) and the mother is in front of a chalkboard with some names on it- Taylee, McKarty, Nayvie, Maylee, Lakynn. Dear god. I’m happy that she found names that she likes, but they just make my skin crawl.

Here’s a link to the photo:

I don’t particularly like it, but I think your words are a little over the top (“gross”, “ugly”, “hideous”, “disgusting”). It’s just a name.

What is the point of this?

The point is, I got a lovely little message from Dantea telling me not to have an opinion that s/he disagreed with or s/he’d get me kicked out, so I’m going to kick up as much of a stink as I can. It was because I disliked [name_f]Baylor[/name_f], which is why I focused on this name, not because I have some silly little grudge against…erm… the nice lady who posted about a name I hate. So I’m being horrid, because Dantea doesn’t understand how opinions work.

And because sometimes, when you get a nasty pm from a bully, it’s nice to respond with a proper undignified tantrum…

You get it! Kudos :3

Sorry, maybe we should all be sugarpuff cute and sparkly sweet and use words like ‘icky’. Erm. No. Names are names, words are words, and I just used words. At the end of the day, the aforementioned lady can name her sprog whatever, regardless of what I think… and I can use words that she may well not like. I can be a little sod. We both have that right.

So I can use whatever words I please. I mean…

Also, what is feedback if it isn’t harsh? Why ask for it if you don’t like the answer.
I mean, look at the example below and tell me that this is the type of silly name site you have:

Hey! I’m naming my child Qw3eziyah Wyinstohn, what do you guys thinK?

To which we all have to reply ‘Qw3eziyah is orgasmically beautiful and Wyinstohn… why did nobody think of that before?’

And nobody dare criticise cos that’s mean.

I mean, seriously?

So yeah, names are just names, but we should be free to say what we like to people who freely ask our opinion.

Actually, [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] isn’t an invented name. Contrary to common belief, it’s not just a knock-off of [name_u]Taylor[/name_u]. [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] and [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] have different meanings.

Yes, you’re entitled to your opinion, @xanthikleia, but personally I don’t think [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] is “hideous,” “disgusting,” “absolutely gross,” or “unbelievably ugly.” Though I might agree with you that [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] is “unfortunate” – [name_u]Taylor[/name_u]'s popularity makes it sound kre8tiv and trendy even when it isn’t. Poor [name_f]Baylor[/name_f].

Oh, sorry! I had no idea [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] wasn’t just a made-up name (not that there’s anything wrong with invented names, they’re just not my style).

To clarify: I think it’s perfectly okay to have opinions about names (we all do), but I think it’s important that we phrase things in a way that wouldn’t be perceived as offensive. If I flat out said “I think that anyone who names their child Lakynn has a screw loose and should be confined to a tiny white cell where they can’t name any babies”, that would be super rude and downright mean.
Phrasing it as “Lakynn isn’t exactly my favorite name, but it’s definitely creative! Here are some suggestions for names that are similar…” is probably going to get a better response. [name_m]Just[/name_m] my two cents.

I don’t care for any of the [name_u]Bay[/name_u] names like [name_f]Baylor[/name_f], [name_u]Bay[/name_u] or [name_u]Bailey[/name_u]/[name_u]Baylee[/name_u] myself. I wouldn’t call them “disgusting”, but they’re definitely not my style. [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] is the name of a very prestigious college, so I guess it wouldn’t be a terrible thing to have that name. haha.

I do find this rather immature. Two wrongs don’t make a right, didn’t anyone teach you that?

On topic, I don’t hate [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] but I wouldn’t use it. There’s nothing wrong with it, just NMS.

Oh good, so you know you’re acting like an immature little brat then. [name_f]Carry[/name_f] on.

I don’t hate the name [name_f]Baylor[/name_f]. I have a friend who really wants to go to that school next year. I can see the appeal of the name, but wouldn’t use it myself. I prefer [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] myself.
I’m sorry that you got a nasty PM. That’s not the purpose of Nameberry, and I hope people don’t do that often. You’re angry and have every right to be, so I don’t blame you for making this thread. I’d just choose my words a bit more carefully because some people on here really like the name [name_f]Baylor[/name_f] and it could hurt their feelings. I’m all for honesty, but I prefer constructive honesty. I hope this doesn’t happen again to you.

@mickie9 the point of this was to attack someone for posting a thread which princess here did not like.

Damn, you’re sweet!

But you did hit the nail on the head a bit. All the same, if I have a problem with a name, I should be allowed to say that. Much like if I like a name and someone hates it, they have a right to say -that- and I, asking for a response, should respect that.
I mean, what is feedback if everyone is all nice-y nice?

And I am being a little {swear-word} because this seems like a community which doesn’t like when someone (or I) speaks their (or my) mind?

Y’know, I like Kyveli, Zebulon, Taliesin, Abraxas… never met anyone who liked those names. You could tell me they’re crazy ugly, but cos I like them I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. You might suggest other names, and I’d have a look. You might say ‘Sweet Yahweh, don’t call your child Kyveli, it’s butt ugly’ and I’d think ‘maybe not everyone likes that name, I really shouldn’t use this one’… I mean, this is how these things work. If harsh (and I did try to sweeten it) and negative things are banned, what the hell’s the point? You’re talking about an echo chamber. Don’t ask questions if you don’t like the answer, and don’t ask opinions if you don’t like criticism… aren’t they unspoken rules?

Or we could all lie and do echo chambre bull-poop.

I am just really mad about a certain reaction and feeling nasty just to spite them. Yes, it’s childish, but so are they.

Constructive criticism is really helpful, but going overboard just leads to hurt feelings. Phrasing things in a kind way really helps everyone feel like their opinion is being respected.