What do you think of the name [name_u]Taran[/name_u]? It can be pronounced TAIR-an or TAR-an.
It reminds me of [name_m]Torin[/name_m] and [name_m]Tarek[/name_m] which I really like. I haven’t heard [name_u]Taran[/name_u] but the sounds are similar.
I think the sound is nice but all I can think of is that there are sooo many ways to spell it. Taran, Taren, Tarren, Taron, Taryn, Teran… And since it’s so unique, people wouldn’t know which one to use. It just feels like it might be a bit of a pain to deal with. I prefer similar names like Truman, Tucker, Kieran, etc.
I love [name_u]Taran[/name_u]! It’s the name of the protagonist in the Disney film The [name_m]Black[/name_m] Cauldron, and it means thunder There’s only one way to pronounce it in my accent, which I think helps too (rhyming with [name_m]Baron[/name_m] or Aaron). I can see that potentially it’s more confusing if you have to clarify how to say it.
I really like [name_u]Taran[/name_u]! I think it’s an underused boy name. But I do agree with the likely spelling confusion a previous poster mentioned.
[name_u]Taran[/name_u] is pretty cool! It has a sharp, rugged sound
I love [name_u]Taran[/name_u] it’s the name of the protagonist from a fantastic middler book series called The Chronicles Prydain by [name_m]Lloyd[/name_m] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m]. I love the meaning and how it sounds (I sat tar-uhn).