
I know this is a little unorthadoxed for the forum but i have a reason to post it here. My family is considering family tattoos. I was thinking the word family in cursive and a symbol for each name under it.

So heres my dilemma, the four names i need to use are as follows

[name]Wilson[/name], [name]Dana[/name],[name]Felicia[/name] and [name]Patrick[/name]

Symbols would be:
[name]Dana[/name] a pearl, which is the meaning
[name]Felicia[/name], there is a [name]Flower[/name] called [name]Felicia[/name] so thats what i would use
[name]Patrick[/name] i would use a clover, self explanatory i think

the problem is i dont know what to use for wilson, any thoughts?

I smiled really wide when I saw ‘[name]Patrick[/name]’ & ‘[name]Clover[/name]’ together. I can’t wait for St Patricks [name]Day[/name] again & I’m Irish! :slight_smile:

My sister had the exact same problem with this.
She has a girl named [name]Iris[/name] so on her right wrist she had ‘[name]Iris[/name]’ with a rainbow over it. Her son is called [name]Noah[/name] so she has ‘[name]Noah[/name]’ underneath [name]Iris[/name] with a little boat next to it (the ark!). I know this isn’t really what your asking but on my left hand all down the side I have a daisy chain to show were all connected & recently I’ve been thinking of getting name & picture tattoos.

I’m not sure really… I thought you could use somthing to do with the meaning as my sister did but unfortunaltey it means ‘[name]Son[/name] of [name]Will[/name]’ so I’m not so sure what you could use… maybe a crown because of [name]Prince[/name] [name]William[/name]?

The volleyball from “Cast Away”!

That’s EXACTLY what came to my mind as well!! Lol!

Though, I think irelandrose’s suggestion was more helpful!

Well, I’d try to take [name]Wilson[/name] back to [name]Will[/name] to find a symbol…maybe a shield because [name]William[/name] means “protector”?

[name]Wilson[/name] means son of [name]William[/name] and [name]William[/name] is composed of the elements wil “will, desire” and helm “helmet, protection” - so maybe a helmet or shield?
I should probably also mention that [name]Dana[/name] doesn’t mean pearl. The [name]Dana[/name] of English origin comes from a surname that would originally be given to a who was Danish. So maybe a lion or swan which are the national animals of Denmark?

You might go with a traditional Swallow (i believe this is also a name for a sparrow) which is a very positive associations with love, luck, some people say it represents loyalty and affection towards family.