Tayler Maximillian Wolf

What do you think?

For a boy? Not a fan, especially with the ‘e’ in there… After growing up with and knowing so many girl Taylors, the name is just all girl to me now. but as far as unisex names go, it’s not that bad.

I do not like the name [name]Tayler[/name]/[name]Taylor[/name]. It’s extremely dated. Also, like pp, all the [name]Taylor[/name]'s I know are girls. I like [name]Maximillian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name], however.

I know a boy [name]Tayler[/name] (spelled that way too). I think the flow is great with the middles, but don’t think it fits stylisticly and I would love to see [name]Maximilian[/name] in the front. [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Tayler[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] sounds great too.

My brothers baby is called [name]Maximilian[/name], its a family name so has to be in there just cant be the first (the bugger got there first)

[name]Tyler[/name] is also pretty cool

Hmmm. Well, I agree with dantea that [name]Tayler[/name] just doesn’t fit stylistically. Maybe something like [name]Willem[/name] [name]Maximillian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]?

Yes, do like that
Others on the list are:

[name]Jayden[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]
[name]Matthias[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]
[name]Asa[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]
[name]Aiden[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]

[name]Just[/name] though [name]Tyler[/name] may fit
Still not 100% happy but running out of inspiration :frowning:

I completely understand! Boys’ names are very uninspiring these days. lol Slim pickings, really. A lot of names are lost to the girl’s side, as berries love to complain! I love [name]Matthias[/name]. Some people dislike alliteration, but I love it. Here’s some of my suggestions:

[name]Jude[/name]: I like this one syllable fn with such a long first middle. [name]Jude[/name] [name]Maximillian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] has a really nice flow, imo.

[name]Victor[/name]: I like the nn “[name]Vic[/name]/[name]Vick[/name]” that you can get out of this one. [name]Victor[/name] [name]Maximillian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] sounds like an old world vampire name. (: That may or may not be an association that comes to mind for you.

[name]Adrian[/name]: [name]Adrian[/name] [name]Maximillian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] is just awesome.

Thanks for the suggestions, nice to hear other ideas as you always tend to go back to the same names over and over again.

[name]Do[/name] love [name]Matthias[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] still - has to be my fav

I don’t believe in names being lost to the girls. [name]Tayler[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] is nice but I’d prefer [name]Taylor[/name] or [name]Tailor[/name]. But people may assume you’re a Twilight fan with [name]Taylor[/name] Lautner being the main werewolf

From your list, I like [name]Matthias[/name] and [name]Asa[/name]

The name [name]Taylor[/name] is pretty unisex in the UK so it doesn’t bother me on a boy, I actually think it is a masculine name. Is [name]Wolf[/name] the last name or a second middle name? I find [name]Taylor[/name] and [name]Maximilian[/name] very odd together, they don’t mesh well.

I really like [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]; that is super cool.

Oh [name]Matthias[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] is excellent! I love the alliteration. [name]Maximilian[/name] becomes a kind of amplification of [name]Matthias[/name]. That is a real gem.

I’m also a sucker for [name]Wolfgang[/name], though I know it’s a bit over the top. [name]Wolfgang[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Ryder[/name] or [name]Wolfgang[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] Wilde would be pretty badass.
I dislike [name]Tayler[/name], but I think [name]Tucker[/name] is adorable. [name]Tolliver[/name] and [name]Tyler[/name] also. [name]Tolliver[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]…

I like the name [name]Taylor[/name] (not fan of it spelled [name]Tayler[/name]). Oddly enough, I have never met a [name]Taylor[/name] and it is pretty uncommon where I live. The only two Taylors I know of are celebrities and one is male, while the other is female, so the name seems pretty unisex to me. I like it paired up with [name]Maximilian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name].

I would spell it [name]Taylor[/name]. If not the name will always be spelled wrong :(.

[name]Maximillian[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] is quite rugged and handsome. I particularly like your use of [name]Wolf[/name]!

[name]Do[/name] u think people wont really “get” [name]Matthias[/name] as it sounds quite [name]German[/name]?

And it’s their own fault for not keeping those names on their boy’s list (from personal experience the myth that he’ll be doomed to a life of teasing, etc. is overhyped).

As far as the OP is concerned, I do like the combo but prefer the [name]Taylor[/name] spelling.

I think people are more receptive to unusual names than they used to be. [name]Matthias[/name] was an apostle, right? I think it hits the sweet spot of somewhat familiar but rarely used and refreshing. I think of it as strong, almost knightly-sounding. It may be more accessible to English-speakers with the “Mah-THIE-es” pronunciation rather than the [name]German[/name] “Mah-TEE-ahs.”

I don’t like it. I would use [name]Taylor[/name] or [name]Tyler[/name] instead. [name]Tayler[/name] will always get misspelled as [name]Taylor[/name]. [name]Maximillian[/name] sounds too stuffy [name]IMO[/name].