(Teaser, Anyone?)

They entered a room, devoid of anything but a chest. Full of hope, [name_m]Mark[/name_m] ran to the chest, but his face fell when he looked inside. [name_f]Immy[/name_f] came up behind him and peered over his shoulder. It was empty. They had to keep searching.
Next word: [name_f]Hope[/name_f]

[name_u]Sam[/name_u] took Hali’s hand in his and kissed it once. “I think you’re going to be okay.”

At least that was his hope. That she would be okay. That she could be happy again, eventually, in time.

Next: time

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And what is there to fear, thought [name_f]Ino[/name_f], if I may live forever? If I remain an embodiment of justice, untouched by the lawless land of Death for all time? Nothing, she concluded, for the world shrinks when Death does not loom.

Next: justice


“Justice is hard to come by,” Layla said sadly, her eyes echoing her tone. “One does not always receive what one deserves.” Willa knew Layla’s thoughts, because she was thinking the same thing: If justice were easy to come by, Lana wouldn’t be dead.
NextWord: Deserve

Again, [name_m]Orson[/name_m] lamented, why did this infernal girl insist on being so irritatingly stubborn? Did he not deserve praise for coming all this way just to see her? He was the real victim in all of this. He suffered everyday they were apart, and after four years, it certainly took its toll.

Next word: certain

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“Why?” [name_u]Vivian[/name_u] said. “What’s wrong?”

“A lot,” [name_f]Freyja[/name_f] said, and suddenly, she felt like crying. “I wasn’t planning on my brother here, and certainly not Niklas."

next: plan

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“I didn’t plan for this! Any of this!” Annie’s eyes brimmed with tears. Pip’s were cold and unforgiving.
“Don’t act pathetic,” she said. “This is your fault, and crying won’t get you out of the blame.”
Crushed, [name_f]Annie[/name_f] looked to [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] for help. But the other girl just shook her head sadly. “If you hadn’t lied, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
[name_f]Annie[/name_f] sobbed. [name_u]Pip[/name_u] turned away, and Annie’s crying grew louder. “I will never forgive you,” [name_u]Pip[/name_u] said. “Never.”
Next word: Pathetic

“Manelin, I’ve never been disappointed in your performance until today. You were a mess out there, abysmal.”

“Sorry, Coach.”

“Do you think we can best Silverleaf with pathetic times like these?” Coach [name_m]Anders[/name_m] angrily tossed his clipboard at Lance’s feet.

“No, sir.”

Next: sir

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“Next time, leave the prisoner fit for labor. There’s no healing that knee.” I had hung my head and muttered my apologies, looking up when Teiva turned from behind his desk to face me.
“But you did well for your first time, [name_f]Amara[/name_f]. I’m proud of you. You’ll get better.”
“Yes, sir.”

Next: prisoner

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She sprawled on the sofa. “I am a prisoner in my own house!”

next: sprawl

“Don’t call me that,” [name_f]Dianthe[/name_f] gritted. She backed up to the other side of the roof then sprinted for [name_f]Nox[/name_f]. She was used to leaping and made it, kind of awkwardly sprawling upon impact with the other side.

next: sprint


[name_m]Frederick[/name_m] turned around to see a green, zombie-like being sprinting toward him. Fumbling, he grabbed his crystal sword from its scabbard, swinging recklessly toward the creature until it crumpled to the ground.

Next word: reckless

Nothing had seemed out of the ordinary. He had been good-natured, especially since that bastardHorus was away with his father. He was a smart boy, temperamental, but never reckless. So what had made him leave like that?

Next: ordinary

Astrid’s parents stopped by once at the end of [name_u]March[/name_u], but she had been living alone in the great big house since then, watching movies and eating nothing but carbs. The weeks crept by in an ordinary routine, uneventful school days punctuated by uneventful parties.

next: uneventful

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The rest of their trip was rather uneventful. [name_m]Romulus[/name_m] ended up playing cards with [name_f]Elske[/name_f] and [name_u]Fen[/name_u] a few times, though he never won. He was too distracted, his mind going in a million different direction.

next: mind

One torch separated from the group, the person behind it pushing it into my face until all I could see was the billowing flame and a dull heat spread across my face. “State your name.”

Another breath, scorched by the torch’s fire. “I… don’t know.” Nothing came to mind at all.

next word: scorch(ed)

There’s a very noticeable scorch mark on Saoirse’s dress, back from the time she wanted to help Máthair with the ironing while she was pregnant with [name_m]Ciaran[/name_m]. Once we grew into them, she’s always claimed that one.

We’re not entirely sure why, but that’s [name_f]Saoirse[/name_f] for you.

Next: claim(ed)

LAURA: Well, we all know where your priorities lie.
DAISY flashes the mean smile they know all too well.
MAUDE: [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]don’t.
DAISY: [name_f]My[/name_f] priorities? I’m sorry, am I the one who claims to be into my boyfriend but actually can’t fucking stand him?

HENRY turns.
HENRY: What?

next: sorry

“I’m so sorry,” [name_m]Romulus[/name_m] said again, choking on the words, but [name_m]Tyoma[/name_m] responded by tossing the towel in the sink, grabbing Romulus’s face.
“Stop saying sorry,” [name_m]Tyoma[/name_m] said, cupping his cheeks, forcing him to meet his eyes.

next: respond

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Move,” Teiva hissed. If the cloth wasn’t in place, I was sure flecks of his saliva would’ve hit my ear. “You keep a blank face and a sharp mind or they’ll rip you apart before I get my hands on you. Understand?”
There was no need to respond. He knew I did.

Next: blank