When I was pregnant, I went name crazy! I literally had pages and pages of handwritten lists of names, which I would give to my fiance to review (he then went through and vetoed pretty much all of them). [name]Just[/name] for fun, I am curious to know what your opinions are on some of the names we did not choose. Please be honest, you will not hurt my feelings!
Everyone has their own personalities and reasons for naming their children. My beautiful boys names are [name]Rocco[/name], [name]River[/name], and [name]Bodhi[/name]!!!
I know not everyone are fand of those names but I’m obsessed with them.
[name]Benjamin[/name]- To me this is the ultimate plain, beige name. Sorry!
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- I wouldn’t use this, but do think it’s cool on someone else’s kid
[name]Byron[/name]- A worthy poetic namesake, and I like it written down, but don’t find it that special said aloud
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- I love [name]Charles[/name]! So familiar and still interesting
[name]Edwin[/name]- [name]LOVE[/name]
[name]Elias[/name]- Like a lot, loved it when I first heard it.
[name]Elijah[/name]- Quite like, but hate how it looks written down. Its the ‘lij’ altogether. Looks kind of comic to me!
[name]Ellis[/name]- Prefer [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Gage[/name]-Dislike, reminds me of ‘gauge’ and like, a gage on a parking meter!
[name]Luc[/name]- Meh
[name]Ridley[/name]- A surname only, for me
[name]Remy[/name]- A nickname only
[name]River[/name]- This has never gelled for me as a name. Still just seems like a noun…
[name]Roan[/name]- Like this a lot, like [name]Ronan[/name] or [name]Rowan[/name] even better.
[name]Sal[/name]- I’m on the fence on this one
[name]Samuel[/name]- Like it as a middle name, but it doesn’t have that ‘wow’ as a first name imo
[name]Saul[/name]- [name]Love[/name] this! Have never heard it on a child, either
[name]Theron[/name]- Another favourite. I like so many of these (I’m not usually this constantly complimentary)
What were your husbands reasons for rejecting some of these? I’m curious!
[name]Benjamin[/name] - To me this is the ultimate strong, classic name (like what [name]Elizabeth[/name] is for girls)
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name] - I really like [name]Bodhi[/name]
[name]Byron[/name] - it’s ok
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name]) - I agree, I’m not a fan of [name]Charlie[/name] but I like [name]Charles[/name]!
[name]Edwin[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name], this is on my list
[name]Elias[/name] - meh
[name]Elijah[/name] - meh
[name]Ellis[/name] - I like it
[name]Gage[/name] - I like it
[name]Luc[/name] - I prefer [name]Lucian[/name]
[name]Ridley[/name] - I live near a “[name]Ridley[/name] College” so that what I think of
[name]Remy[/name] - an adorable n.n.
[name]River[/name] - love this strong nature name
[name]Roan[/name] - I prefer [name]Ronan[/name]
[name]Sal[/name] - nice as a n.n
[name]Samuel[/name] - meh
[name]Saul[/name] - meh
[name]Theron[/name] - too surnamey
My favourites from your list are [name]Edwin[/name], [name]Charles[/name], [name]Gage[/name] and [name]River[/name]. I have a friend whose son’s name is [name]Callum[/name] too, I think it’s the BEST name
[name]Benjamin[/name]- [name]Love[/name]!
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- [name]Love[/name] [name]Bodhi[/name], hate [name]Bode[/name]
[name]Byron[/name]- A little middle aged to me
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- Meh. It’s a great name, just not one I’d choose.
[name]Edwin[/name]- I’d like it in the middle, but not as a first
[name]Elias[/name]- [name]Love[/name].
[name]Elijah[/name]- Prefer [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Ellis[/name]- Much prefer [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Gage[/name]- A little too macho for my taste
[name]Luc[/name]- It’s alright; I prefer [name]Luca[/name], and I go back and forth between thinking [name]Luc[/name] is a better spelling than [name]Luke[/name] and thinking it’s just pretentious
[name]Ridley[/name]- too surnamey
[name]Remy[/name]- too nicknamey
[name]River[/name]- too literal/wordy
[name]Roan[/name]- prefer [name]Rowan[/name] spelling, love the sound
[name]Sal[/name]- most of the Sals I know are in their 60s or more (or named after their grandfathers), so it’s very old man to me.
[name]Samuel[/name]- I like it
[name]Saul[/name]- it’s okay
[name]Theron[/name]- not a fan
I think you’ve got great taste. Out of curiosity, what did you end up picking?
@harrietsmummy - most of them he just crossed off the list or just said “no,” but here’s the reasons he gave me for these ones:
[name]Benjamin[/name]- We were actually really close to using [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Elias[/name] or [name]Elias[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name], so it’s not so much that my fiance rejected these names, we just decided that it wasn’t the right name for our son.
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- He/we didn’t like [name]Charlie[/name] as a nn, and were worried that that is all he would be called. Also, we know two babies named [name]Charlie[/name]/[name]Charleigh[/name] and they are both girls.
[name]Elias[/name]- again, we were really close to using this one.
[name]Elijah[/name]- Decided we liked [name]Elias[/name] better
[name]Ellis[/name]- decided we liked [name]Elias[/name] better
[name]Gage[/name] - he was also reminded of gauge, or like how people gauge their ears and stretch them out.
[name]Luc[/name]- he turned this one down because there is a famous actor whose first name is [name]Luke[/name] and shares the same last name with us, so he thought that was weird.
[name]Ridley[/name]- I LOVED this one, but my fiance said it reminded him of [name]Ridley[/name] [name]Scott[/name] and didn’t want to “name the baby after him”
[name]Remy[/name]- friends and family shot this one down
[name]River[/name]- Fiance said “we can name him that, but when he gets made fun of in school I’m going to tell him it was your idea.” He thought this was funny, I did not. I still love the name [name]River[/name].
[name]Roan[/name]- Fiance didn’t give a reason, but I just wanted to note that this is not pronounced like “[name]Rowan[/name]” with two syllables, it’s just one syllable and unfortunately the only word I can think of that rhymes with it is “moan.” lol
[name]Sal[/name]- he said it reminded him of an old man
@daisy451 - we chose [name]Callum[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] (first/middle). Like I had mentioned before I literally had pages and pages of names, these ones a just a few from the lists!
[name]Benjamin[/name]- boring of course
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- I like this name, seems to be getting more popular, I wonder where it came from?
[name]Byron[/name]- I’d think the parent was a pretentious English major
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- I think of [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name], not very pretty
[name]Edwin[/name]- I think it’s really cute actually, sounds old man, but might sound fresh on an actual child, but I think at this point in time too out there to use
[name]Elias[/name]- I don’t like the as ending, sounds weak
[name]Elijah[/name]- I think it’s beautiful, but I’m not a big fan of the religious connotations
[name]Ellis[/name]- It’s okay
[name]Gage[/name]- don’t like, I like softer boy’s names
[name]Luc[/name]- nice take on [name]Luke[/name]
[name]Ridley[/name]- [name]Don[/name]'t really like the word “rid” in there
[name]Remy[/name]- seems popular on this site, but sounds too girly to me
[name]River[/name]- it’s okay if that’s your style
[name]Roan[/name]- ugly sound
[name]Sal[/name]- Nice, but a bit too slight
[name]Samuel[/name]- boring
[name]Saul[/name]- It’s alright
[name]Theron[/name]- Interesting, sounds like it would be a character in a sci-fi book though
[name]Benjamin[/name]- boring of course
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- I like this name, seems to be getting more popular, I wonder where it came from?
[name]Byron[/name]- I’d think the parent was a pretentious English major
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- I think of [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name], not very pretty
[name]Edwin[/name]- I think it’s really cute actually, sounds old man, but might sound fresh on an actual child, but I think at this point in time too out there to use
[name]Elias[/name]- I don’t like the as ending, sounds weak
[name]Elijah[/name]- I think it’s beautiful, but I’m not a big fan of the religious connotations
[name]Ellis[/name]- It’s okay
[name]Gage[/name]- don’t like, I like softer boy’s names
[name]Luc[/name]- nice take on [name]Luke[/name]
[name]Ridley[/name]- [name]Don[/name]'t really like the word “rid” in there
[name]Remy[/name]- seems popular on this site, but sounds too girly to me
[name]River[/name]- it’s okay if that’s your style
[name]Roan[/name]- ugly sound
[name]Sal[/name]- Nice, but a bit too slight
[name]Samuel[/name]- boring
[name]Saul[/name]- It’s alright
[name]Theron[/name]- Interesting, sounds like it would be a character in a sci-fi book though
Wow, [name]Callum[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] is an AMAZING name- both names are on my list of personal favorites. I absolutely love the name you chose and you really do have excellent taste!