Tell me your honest opinion!

When I was pregnant, I went name crazy! I literally had pages and pages of handwritten lists of names, which I would give to my fiance to review (he then went through and vetoed pretty much all of them). [name]Just[/name] for fun, I am curious to know what your opinions are on some of the names we did not choose. Please be honest, you will not hurt my feelings!

[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])

Obviously I wasn’t too sure of what my naming style was at the time, I’m still not 100% what it is but it’s getting there!

Everyone has their own personalities and reasons for naming their children. My beautiful boys names are [name]Rocco[/name], [name]River[/name], and [name]Bodhi[/name]!!!

I know not everyone are fand of those names but I’m obsessed with them.


[name]Benjamin[/name]- To me this is the ultimate plain, beige name. Sorry!
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- I wouldn’t use this, but do think it’s cool on someone else’s kid
[name]Byron[/name]- A worthy poetic namesake, and I like it written down, but don’t find it that special said aloud
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- I love [name]Charles[/name]! So familiar and still interesting
[name]Edwin[/name]- [name]LOVE[/name]
[name]Elias[/name]- Like a lot, loved it when I first heard it.
[name]Elijah[/name]- Quite like, but hate how it looks written down. Its the ‘lij’ altogether. Looks kind of comic to me!
[name]Ellis[/name]- Prefer [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Gage[/name]-Dislike, reminds me of ‘gauge’ and like, a gage on a parking meter!
[name]Luc[/name]- Meh
[name]Ridley[/name]- A surname only, for me
[name]Remy[/name]- A nickname only
[name]River[/name]- This has never gelled for me as a name. Still just seems like a noun…
[name]Roan[/name]- Like this a lot, like [name]Ronan[/name] or [name]Rowan[/name] even better.
[name]Sal[/name]- I’m on the fence on this one
[name]Samuel[/name]- Like it as a middle name, but it doesn’t have that ‘wow’ as a first name imo
[name]Saul[/name]- [name]Love[/name] this! Have never heard it on a child, either
[name]Theron[/name]- Another favourite. I like so many of these (I’m not usually this constantly complimentary)

What were your husbands reasons for rejecting some of these? I’m curious!

[name]Benjamin[/name] - To me this is the ultimate strong, classic name (like what [name]Elizabeth[/name] is for girls)
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name] - I really like [name]Bodhi[/name]
[name]Byron[/name] - it’s ok
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name]) - I agree, I’m not a fan of [name]Charlie[/name] but I like [name]Charles[/name]!
[name]Edwin[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name], this is on my list
[name]Elias[/name] - meh
[name]Elijah[/name] - meh
[name]Ellis[/name] - I like it
[name]Gage[/name] - I like it
[name]Luc[/name] - I prefer [name]Lucian[/name]
[name]Ridley[/name] - I live near a “[name]Ridley[/name] College” so that what I think of
[name]Remy[/name] - an adorable n.n.
[name]River[/name] - love this strong nature name
[name]Roan[/name] - I prefer [name]Ronan[/name]
[name]Sal[/name] - nice as a n.n
[name]Samuel[/name] - meh
[name]Saul[/name] - meh
[name]Theron[/name] - too surnamey

My favourites from your list are [name]Edwin[/name], [name]Charles[/name], [name]Gage[/name] and [name]River[/name]. I have a friend whose son’s name is [name]Callum[/name] too, I think it’s the BEST name :smiley:

[name]Benjamin[/name]- [name]Love[/name]!
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- [name]Love[/name] [name]Bodhi[/name], hate [name]Bode[/name]
[name]Byron[/name]- A little middle aged to me
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- Meh. It’s a great name, just not one I’d choose.
[name]Edwin[/name]- I’d like it in the middle, but not as a first
[name]Elias[/name]- [name]Love[/name].
[name]Elijah[/name]- Prefer [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Ellis[/name]- Much prefer [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Gage[/name]- A little too macho for my taste
[name]Luc[/name]- It’s alright; I prefer [name]Luca[/name], and I go back and forth between thinking [name]Luc[/name] is a better spelling than [name]Luke[/name] and thinking it’s just pretentious
[name]Ridley[/name]- too surnamey
[name]Remy[/name]- too nicknamey
[name]River[/name]- too literal/wordy
[name]Roan[/name]- prefer [name]Rowan[/name] spelling, love the sound
[name]Sal[/name]- most of the Sals I know are in their 60s or more (or named after their grandfathers), so it’s very old man to me.
[name]Samuel[/name]- I like it
[name]Saul[/name]- it’s okay
[name]Theron[/name]- not a fan

I think you’ve got great taste. Out of curiosity, what did you end up picking?

@harrietsmummy - most of them he just crossed off the list or just said “no,” but here’s the reasons he gave me for these ones:

[name]Benjamin[/name]- We were actually really close to using [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Elias[/name] or [name]Elias[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name], so it’s not so much that my fiance rejected these names, we just decided that it wasn’t the right name for our son.
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- He/we didn’t like [name]Charlie[/name] as a nn, and were worried that that is all he would be called. Also, we know two babies named [name]Charlie[/name]/[name]Charleigh[/name] and they are both girls.
[name]Elias[/name]- again, we were really close to using this one.
[name]Elijah[/name]- Decided we liked [name]Elias[/name] better
[name]Ellis[/name]- decided we liked [name]Elias[/name] better
[name]Gage[/name] - he was also reminded of gauge, or like how people gauge their ears and stretch them out.
[name]Luc[/name]- he turned this one down because there is a famous actor whose first name is [name]Luke[/name] and shares the same last name with us, so he thought that was weird.
[name]Ridley[/name]- I LOVED this one, but my fiance said it reminded him of [name]Ridley[/name] [name]Scott[/name] and didn’t want to “name the baby after him”
[name]Remy[/name]- friends and family shot this one down
[name]River[/name]- Fiance said “we can name him that, but when he gets made fun of in school I’m going to tell him it was your idea.” He thought this was funny, I did not. I still love the name [name]River[/name].
[name]Roan[/name]- Fiance didn’t give a reason, but I just wanted to note that this is not pronounced like “[name]Rowan[/name]” with two syllables, it’s just one syllable and unfortunately the only word I can think of that rhymes with it is “moan.” lol
[name]Sal[/name]- he said it reminded him of an old man

@daisy451 - we chose [name]Callum[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] (first/middle). Like I had mentioned before I literally had pages and pages of names, these ones a just a few from the lists!

[name]Benjamin[/name]- boring of course
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- I like this name, seems to be getting more popular, I wonder where it came from?
[name]Byron[/name]- I’d think the parent was a pretentious English major
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- I think of [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name], not very pretty
[name]Edwin[/name]- I think it’s really cute actually, sounds old man, but might sound fresh on an actual child, but I think at this point in time too out there to use
[name]Elias[/name]- I don’t like the as ending, sounds weak
[name]Elijah[/name]- I think it’s beautiful, but I’m not a big fan of the religious connotations
[name]Ellis[/name]- It’s okay
[name]Gage[/name]- don’t like, I like softer boy’s names
[name]Luc[/name]- nice take on [name]Luke[/name]
[name]Ridley[/name]- [name]Don[/name]'t really like the word “rid” in there
[name]Remy[/name]- seems popular on this site, but sounds too girly to me
[name]River[/name]- it’s okay if that’s your style
[name]Roan[/name]- ugly sound
[name]Sal[/name]- Nice, but a bit too slight
[name]Samuel[/name]- boring
[name]Saul[/name]- It’s alright
[name]Theron[/name]- Interesting, sounds like it would be a character in a sci-fi book though

[name]Benjamin[/name]- boring of course
[name]Bode[/name] or [name]Bodhi[/name]- I like this name, seems to be getting more popular, I wonder where it came from?
[name]Byron[/name]- I’d think the parent was a pretentious English major
[name]Charles[/name] (not [name]Charlie[/name], but [name]Charles[/name])- I think of [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name], not very pretty
[name]Edwin[/name]- I think it’s really cute actually, sounds old man, but might sound fresh on an actual child, but I think at this point in time too out there to use
[name]Elias[/name]- I don’t like the as ending, sounds weak
[name]Elijah[/name]- I think it’s beautiful, but I’m not a big fan of the religious connotations
[name]Ellis[/name]- It’s okay
[name]Gage[/name]- don’t like, I like softer boy’s names
[name]Luc[/name]- nice take on [name]Luke[/name]
[name]Ridley[/name]- [name]Don[/name]'t really like the word “rid” in there
[name]Remy[/name]- seems popular on this site, but sounds too girly to me
[name]River[/name]- it’s okay if that’s your style
[name]Roan[/name]- ugly sound
[name]Sal[/name]- Nice, but a bit too slight
[name]Samuel[/name]- boring
[name]Saul[/name]- It’s alright
[name]Theron[/name]- Interesting, sounds like it would be a character in a sci-fi book though

Wow, [name]Callum[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] is an AMAZING name- both names are on my list of personal favorites. I absolutely love the name you chose and you really do have excellent taste!