Turns out [name_u]Baby[/name_u] #6 didn’t want to wait until summer was over for HIS turn on the “waterslide”.
[name_u]Sutton[/name_u] [name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m] joined our brood early at 36 weeks and 5 days on Thursday, [name_u]August[/name_u] 21, 2014. He weighed 5 lbs even and is doing amazing. He had no issues with breathing (thank God!), but was a bit jaundice. We were finally able to bring him home yesterday.
Everyone is absolutely in love with him. <3
Alice seems to think he is HER baby AND birthday present (LOL!) and Callum is a bit “upset” that he can’t claim him as his birthday present. The joys of siblings rivalry (with so much more to come!)
Congrats to you and your family on the safe arrival of your son, [name_u]Sutton[/name_u] [name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m]. I’m glad to hear he is doing well.
[name_f]Lainy[/name_f], we chose not to find out what we were expecting. If we had another girl, she would have been named [name_f]Avallon[/name_f] [name_f]Emmanuella[/name_f].
We have started a tradition that all middle names begin with a vowel, and all our girls’ names will begin with A.