
I am suddenly loving this name. We really don’t have a place connection, other than my husband is a huge [name]Elvis[/name] fan and we went to [name]Memphis[/name] on our honeymoon. [name]Do[/name] you think it’s too over the top? What are some good nickname suggestions?

I think loving [name]Elvis[/name] and going to [name]Memphis[/name] for your honeymoon give you plenty of connection to [name]Tennessee[/name] to use it as a name. I think just spending your honeymoon there is a cute and thoughtful reason to use a place name.
(I’d actually find it very odd if you were from [name]Tennessee[/name] and used it as a name).

I kind of like Ten/Tenner as a nn.

([name]Just[/name] to put my comment into perspective - in general I’m not really big on place names).

Think it’d be great as a middle name, especially because of the reason behind it.

[name]Reese[/name] Witherspoon just had a son named [name]Tennessee[/name] [name]James[/name]. I’ve also met a [name]Tennessee[/name] in real life. I don’t care for the name.

I know a girl named [name]Tennessee[/name], but spells it Tennasea. Since I’ve know her for a while, I’ve always thought of it as a girl’s name. But, boy or girl, I don’t really care for the name.

I used to love [name]Tennessee[/name] ( boy or girl) as a kid but I’ve outgrown it. It’s still and awesome name but I prefer short boy names now

I planned to use the nn Ten or Ness/Nez

I’d never heard of it as a name until I read that [name]Reese[/name] Witherspoon named her boy that… not a fan, personally. But I like the connection. Maybe as a middle name?

I love [name]Tennessee[/name] for ages, I never found a good middle name for “him” though.

[name]Love[/name]. Reminds me of [name]Tennessee[/name] [name]Williams[/name]!

Are you from [name]Tennessee[/name], because you’re the only ten I see.

Sorry, first thought.