
I’m wondering: is Thalatte a perfect melding of the elements I appreciate about [name_f]Thallo[/name_f] and [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] or is it the worst of both worlds?

Well…tbh, I think it might be a bit confusing for most. I mean, how do you pronounce it? At first, I thought it was “the latte”, but I’m assuming that’s way off! :grimacing:

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From what I understand, ‘the latte’ actually is not totally off base, lol. Soft th, and a long ee at the end, but otherwise basically right. The emphasis on the LAH syllable.

I know a D3vona who introduces herself, “rhymes with [name_f]Madonna[/name_f].” She could be, “Thalatte, sort of like the latte.” Certainly memorable…?

I was thinking nickname [name_f]Lottie[/name_f].

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I agree with @elanorelle that Thalatte sounds confusing even though I like the look of it.

Hmmm… I can really only see the word Latte in this. I definitely prefer both [name_f]Thallo[/name_f] and [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] (Those were my two favorites from the TAM game, I believe!).
Apparently, it’s also similar to Pthalate- these are the suggestions from when I searched how to pronounce it.

When I actually searched it, literally the only result on the first page that had the name Thalatte pronounced it Thuh-lat. [name_f]Every[/name_f] other result on the page was for either “Thalatta” or something completely random like “An introduction to chamber greek pronunciation”. I actually quite like the Thuh-lat pronunciation, but I think it could cause some problems.


My first thought was THAL-let, sort of like “shallot” with a th? I might be able to get behind the pronunciation THAL-lat-ee (although that does strike me as someone with a lisp saying “shallot-y”) but tha-LOT-ee reminds me of Pilates. I think it’s confusing and I’m honestly having a hard time coming up with a pronunciation that doesn’t sound like a lisp :/.

On the other hand, I really like [name_f]Thallo[/name_f], and [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] is gorgeous! I think both are much better options.

I’m not familiar with Thalatte and I wouldn’t be sure how to pronounce it. To me, it looks more like a surname or brand name than a feminine name.

I really like [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] though.

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Even reading everyone’s descriptions I’m still not sure how to pronounce it… all I see is “the latte”. [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] is nice!

I’m sorry, but I don’t really like this one. I feel like a should, but all I can see is “the latte.” I like [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f], though!!

Can I be honest and say it’s the worst of both worlds.
[name_f]Thallo[/name_f] has such an interesting sound and [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] is so lovely, warm and fresh whereas Thallate sounds and looks clunky and unappealing, sorry

Haha. Sounds like there is very little chance at redemption for her. Oh well. Poor Thalatte…

[name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] works, though!

For me, its worst than just [name_f]Thallo[/name_f] and [name_f]Thessaly[/name_f]. I don’t even know any [name_f]Thallo[/name_f]’s but that sounds likes a super cool name.

I can’t say I like this, sorry. It reminds me both of lattes (obviously) and the company Deloitte. It actually almost looks more like the name of an organisation to me than anything else.

Honestly I misread it at first. I thought you meant to mix [name_f]Thalia[/name_f] with some -ette name and I pronounced it Tha-let in my mind. And then I realise it’s actually ThalAtte and upon seeing the latte comment… that’s all I couldn’t get it out of my head, sorry! :grimacing: