Not expecting, but recently read a book with a female character named [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] and loved the name! [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] however is a male name and I was wondering what other people’s opinions of [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] on a girl be? Thanks!!
Honestly I’m not sure how I feel about it for a boy/man. I am not particularly fond of it for a girl/woman. Sorry.
I’m not too hung up on names belonging on specific genders, the concept of gender is too fluid. I know a lot of people on this board are very strict about etymological histories, so i am sure you will get backlash for that. I think [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] is fine for a girl. it’s got a nice sound - very soft and has the cute -er ending thats popular, I don’t think it would eb out of place at all.
I think it would be really cute on a girl!
Thank you all for your responses! It’ll definitely be something I keep thinking about
I actually think [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] would be just fine on a girl
Written down it looks like a “boy” name to me but spoken it would end up being pronounced similarly to [name_f]Thea[/name_f] (in my accent anyway). It could work well with a feminine middle.
I say [name_f]Theia[/name_f] the same way as [name_m]Thayer[/name_m], and think it looks far more attractive, but since names are mostly said out loud, I guess [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] would probably work fine on a girl. It might actually clarify the pronunciation.
I love it for a boy, but it could work - especially since it seems like [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] got a modernized facelift.
I’m not sure how I feel about [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] for a girl. I’m American, so I don’t get the softer ending, I get the hard ‘er’ so it doesn’t sound great as a girl’s name to me. If it was pronounced here as it would be in some other countries, it would sound much better as a girl’s name. That being said, I don’t know where you live, so it might sound softer for you.
It sounds like someone trying to say "they’re/there/their.’’
I agree. It feels very bland to me regardless.
Yes! I love when people on nameberry have this kind of open-mindedness! As for my opinion on [name_m]Thayer[/name_m], I’d have to say that it’s not my style personally, but have you considered [name_f]Thea[/name_f] (pronounced thay-uh)? It’s really close and more traditionally feminine if you care about that.
I don’t mind unisex names, as long as it doesn’t concern an old and well-known name with a strong history (which is not the case of [name_m]Thayer[/name_m]), or as long as it’s not disrespectful to the culture the name comes from. And… I’m a very open-minded person! (I’m kidding, even though I think I really am :)).
I really don’t like [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] (looks like [name_m]Mayer[/name_m]?), it’s not my style and I find the spelling not attractive. I did think of a boy name when I saw it. Sorry. I do like [name_f]Theia[/name_f] though!
I really like it!!!
So I have stumbled upon “nameberry”…
[name_f]Do[/name_f] I like the name [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] ? I suppose for the most part, I should…
Because it is my first name! But I will tell you that it does cause confusion. First of all, people don’t know if it is my first or last name… (it’s my first) and second, they don’t know if I’m male or female… (I’m a female)…and just to add to the confusion, my husband is [name_u]Gale[/name_u], so people don’t know if I’m [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] or [name_u]Gale[/name_u]…! ! ! For my own children’s names I wanted something a bit less common as mine is very uncommon. [name_u]Gale[/name_u] and I chose [name_f]Alison[/name_f] and [name_m]Joel[/name_m]. Although, they have become more common than they were 30 years ago.
For me, [name_m]Thayer[/name_m] is boring, sounds like a contraction for “they are” and has that lispy quality, as in “[name_m]Thayer[/name_m] thays [name_m]Hi[/name_m]!”
[name_m]Thayer[/name_m] has been on our list for a girl forever! We considered it for our first, but chose [name_u]Tatum[/name_u] instead. This go around, we’re not going to use it only because it doesn’t “feel” right to us. Otherwise, I love it. I think it’s sophisticated sounding and unique. Great alternative to “[name_u]Taylor[/name_u]” if you want to choose a name out of the top 100.
I think it’s fine for a girl considering it isn’t too different from [name_u]Sawyer[/name_u]/[name_m]Sayer[/name_m], which are unisex. I’m not a huge fan of the name itself though but that’s just personal style.
[name_m]Just[/name_m] had to chime in, to answer a previous question [name_f]Thea[/name_f] is pronounced THEE-uh.