Here’s mine
[name]Zayden[/name] - i HATE this name! it sounds really made up to me
[name]Hayden[/name] - it’s kinda cute (it’s the name of my baby cousin so that sways my answer a bit)
[name]Kayden[/name] - it’s ok… i guess…
[name]Brayden[/name]/ - i always think of a horse braying when i hear this name…
[name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Jaden[/name] - the only one i actually like (spelled J-a-d-e-n)
I would never say I hated a name, its just not for me. I Kind of like [name]Hayden[/name] it is kind of cute… I would be a posibility for my next child. I also like [name]Jadon[/name], it is out of the bible and spelled like the bible reads. I don’t like spelling names to make them uneeke. But I have fallen prey to some like [name]Aaliyah[/name] looks better to me than [name]Aleah[/name]. [name]Aleah[/name] looks kind of plain on paper, in my opinion.
I don’t really mind [name]Hayden[/name] but the others are just not my cup of tea at all. I really dislike all of the spellings of the same name as well and the random and trendy letter “y” that’s thrown in whenever possible.
The aden epidemic gives me the willies. I like [name]Aidan[/name] but all the look alikes make me want to run a mile.
[name]Aidan[/name] and [name]Hayden[/name] are the only ones that I can remotely stand anymore. I used to like [name]Hayden[/name] for a boy, but then my cousin’s girlfriend had a baby and they named her [name]Haidyn[/name]. :-? Now I really can’t wait for this trend to die off.
I loved [name]Caden[/name] for a boy years ago. Sounded so strong and masculine to me. then every other boy out there had an -[name]Ayden[/name] name. Grr.
[name]Aidan[/name], [name]Hayden[/name], and [name]Jadon[/name] (these spellings only) fine. But Braeydyn? Zaydinn? WHY???
I’m fine with [name]Aidan[/name] ([name]Aiden[/name] is fine too), [name]Hayden[/name] and [name]Braden[/name]. I actually wanted to use [name]Aidan[/name] (too popular) or [name]Braden[/name] in the future but I don’t want to just have “another -aden name”. My friend’s son’s name is [name]Kaeden[/name] which I’ve pretty much just kept my mouth shut about. There are definitely worse names, but I’m just not a fan. It’s their kid though so who cares what I think
Anyways, I don’t mind the -aden names that are “real” names (is [name]Hayden[/name] “real”? I’m used to it because I have a cousin with that name but maybe I’m wrong). I just don’t like it when people decide they like [name]Aidan[/name] but it’s too popular so let’s go with [name]Zaiden[/name], [name]Raiden[/name] or Maiden (ha!).