Hello again to all! [name]Matt[/name] and I recently came across a name we really liked. It’s Ailey. Pronounced like [name]Bailey[/name] without the B. Since many thought Marison was too masculine to flow well with two triplet brothers, [name]Brighton[/name] and [name]Easton[/name], we thought this might be a good alternative. We’re only just starting to talk about it, but would love to hear your opinions. We’re afraid of changing from Marison since Ailey doesn’t have any meaning, like [name]Brighton[/name], [name]Easton[/name], and Marison do.
We thought we had decided on:
[name]Brighton[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Easton[/name] [name]Matthew[/name] and
Marison [name]Elizabeth[/name]
I love the middle name choice, and the boy’s names! I’m not sure about Ailey though. I think of ‘Ale’ (as in the alcohol) when I say it. I like it better than Marison though. Have you considered [name]Marisol[/name] as an alternative to Marison?
I love it too! I think you should go ahead with Ailey. Im thinking as she is the only girl it would suit for her to have a girly-ish name. Great choices love your style
I’m a biiiiigggg contemporary dance fan, if that tells you anything. [name]Love[/name] the idea of Ailey, because of [name]Alvin[/name]. It does seem unisex. Not that that is a bad thing, but as the only girl in a set of triplets (I take it), perhaps she needs a girly name to set her apart? Not necessarily. [name]Just[/name] suggesting.
By the by, don’t like [name]Marisol[/name]. Sounds like a product, perhaps a bug spray. Go all the way with [name]Mirabelle[/name] or [name]Mariel[/name].
We’re not really open to substituting Marison for something like [name]Marisol[/name], [name]Mariel[/name], etc. We choose Marison because it combined my name, [name]Allison[/name], and Matts late mother’s name, [name]Mary[/name]. [name]Matt[/name] actually came up with it. Then [name]Easton[/name], because we met at a [name]Major[/name] League game,(easton is a major brand in the baseball/softball world) and [name]Brighton[/name] because my maiden name was [name]Bright[/name]. We don’t want our daughter to be shorted in meaning, but we really love Ailey because it’s so unique and girly. See our problem?
I think Ailey is great. It sounds girly, unique and spunky with [name]Easton[/name] and [name]Brighton[/name]. Marison sounds too serious (unless you were to use nn [name]Mari[/name], which is cute). I think if her middle name carries meaning for you, it doesn’t really matter.
I don’t know how you feel about nicknames, but you could stick with Marison and call her [name]Sunny[/name]. That gives the fun girly feel but allows you to keep the name that has meaning to you.
I dont really care for Ailey at all. It sounds very unsubstantial and flimsy to me. It also seems rather made up. What about [name]Ainsley[/name] or [name]Isla[/name]? Marison is okay, but I dont love it. Why not use Marison as a mn since is has meaning to you.
I do like the sound of Ailey, but I would just worry that people will hear it has [name]Bailey[/name], [name]Caylee[/name] amoung others, which will get annoying. I dont think it is enough of a name compared to her brothers, maybe as a nickname.
Hey, thanks again for all the input! We’re leaning towards Ailey right now. Whoever recommended the name [name]Marin[/name], we actually love that name, by its my cousins name. I really liked the idea of Ailey Marison. But I’m not sure it flows well. Thoughts?
To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of Ailey. It sounds just a little too made up for me. But, on the other hand, I think Ailey Marison (which I love the name Marison, btw) flows beautifully together.
I definitely prefer Ailey over Marison. Ailey Marison is much better! What about [name]Mallory[/name]? It’s so cute and it’s also a surname for a first name, and it combines [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Alison[/name].
I find Ailey really charming. Besides being a fan of [name]Alvin[/name] Ailey, I think the name is sweet and works nicely in your set. It’s unisex and surname-y but has a distinctly feminine feel, so she will both fit in and stand out amongst her brothers, which is really ideal! I think Ailey Marison flows nicely and is a lovely way to include your original choice and honor your [name]MIL[/name]. Alternatively you might make the middle more “[name]Mary[/name]”-esq since Ailey includes three letters of your name, and go with something like [name]Maria[/name], [name]Marie[/name], [name]Marion[/name] or even [name]Mary[/name] itself as a middle. Also I’m quite fond of [name]Maris[/name] as a name. [name]Hope[/name] that helps!
I’m not entirely sure about this but isn’t [name]Eilidh[/name] pronounced as Ailey? If you spelt it like this the name wouldn’t look so ‘made up’.
Oh just looked it up and some people pronounce it eye-lee, some ay-lee. You’d need to check with someone in the know. I do know someone with this name who pronounces it ay-lee but we live in [name]England[/name] so it might be wrong.
I love the name Ailey! I have to say I am among the dance fans out there who have nothing but wonderful associations with the name, thanks to the brilliance of [name]Alvin[/name] Ailey. In contrast to what some others have said, I don’t feel like it seems made-up at all, nor some it seem hard to pronounce. I think its a great choice!
Ailey Marison gets my vote 100%. I feel that the name Ailey does help her stand out more as the girl, plus it keeps the name Marison in there to make it more meaningful. Beyond that, Ailey [name]Elizabeth[/name] just looked off to me for some reason. Ailey Marison just looks like it fits together. Also; as a few have said before, [name]Alvin[/name] Ailey definitely gives this name a huge boost for me. I am assuming it is coincidental, but in my opinion a fantastic association. He was an amazing guy both on and off the dance floor.