The last three

We’ve managed to bring our list for [name_m]Leonid[/name_m]'s twin brother down to the last three. I’d like your opinions one more time. [name_u]Baby[/name_u]'s middle name will be Zakynthos.

  • [name_m]Endymion[/name_m]: good because it has the astronomy connection like [name_m]Leonid[/name_m], and I love how they sound together. [name_u]Teddy[/name_u] would be a great nickname. But [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] Zakynthos is quite long and heavy.

  • [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m]: Russian but not too obvious, just like [name_m]Leonid[/name_m], and [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] Zakynthos flows alright. But I want to avoid “[name_u]Nik[/name_u]” as a nickname.

  • [name_m]Laertes[/name_m]: still the one I love the most and definitely the most meaningful to me personally, just like Zakynthos. But [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] Zakynthos doesn’t sound quite right… Does it? No matter how much I want it to.

  • Or maybe even… Zakynthos as a first name? Or is that definitely too much? I can’t think of any good nicknames either.

So which one do you prefer? Be as honest as you like, as long as you’re polite :wink:

Since you love [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] so much, I am totally rooting for that! I also love [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m], but I do think it would often be shortened to [name_u]Nik[/name_u].

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I think [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] Zakynthos sounds great. I like the flow better than your [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] and [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] combos. And it’s an unbelievably cool name.

Nik is unavoidable for [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] unless you use another nickname. I don’t know what the Russian nickname for [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] is, but [name_m]Dima[/name_m] is adorable and feels intuitive.

I’m not a fan of [name_m]Endymion[/name_m]. But could you use Zante as the middle for flow with [name_m]Endymion[/name_m]? If it’s an honor name for the island, would it still have the same effect?

We’d probably use [name_f]Nika[/name_f] as a nickname for [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m]. [name_m]Dima[/name_m] works too.

Zante doesn’t feel like my style at all. It also doesn’t hold the same significance to me as Zakynthos, although I know it’s just another name for the same place.

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Of these options I actually like Zakynthos the best! It is a lot but I don’t think it’s too much, and I like the sounds of it paired with [name_m]Leonid[/name_m]. Maybe you could call him [name_m]Zak[/name_m], Zaky or Zakyn for short?

Nikodim would be my second choice. I think it’s so handsome and I think you could avoid the “[name_u]Nik[/name_u]” nickname by always calling him [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] or [name_f]Nika[/name_f], I don’t think people would need correcting more than once.

But you love [name_m]Laertes[/name_m], and if it has your heart then maybe it’s the one?! Ultimately whatever you choose will be perfect because you have put so much love and thought into it.

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Nikodim is my favourite and I believe any nickname is avoidable, but if you love [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] most then it’s the one :slight_smile:

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Endymion is my personal favourite but I also love [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] and it seems to be the one that’s calling you the most

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Leonid and Nikodim. I like how close L and N are in the alphabet too. Also, if you say these names out loud together to me, they just sound like twin boys names. Unique enough to be distant but not too strangely disimiliar from one another. Also my intuitive name shortening for Nikodim would be Niko? But I’d only ever shorten a child’s name if the parent was shortening their name anyway? If not, I just follow their lead. For instance, my friend has a daughter called Penelope. And that’s what she uses as does everyone else. She doesn’t get Penny or Pen.

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Laertes! Please name him [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] because you may be the only one on earth using this gorgeous name!

I think it’s fine with any middle.

Otherwise, I love [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] and am not keen on [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m], which in my unfamiliarity with the name sounds to me like a pharmaceutical, or maybe a type of Rolodex. Sorry! [name_f]My[/name_f] problem, not yours.

But against [name_m]Laertes[/name_m]? Nothing can hold a candle and when was the last time anyone said your whole name including middles? :slight_smile:

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I personally like [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] and [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] best, but because you love [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] so much, I’m rooting for him! I think the flow of [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] Zakynthos is fine!

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Thank you. I really do love Zakynthos, but I’m afraid it’s just too out there… On the other hand, so is [name_m]Laertes[/name_m], and I already named my son [name_m]Barnabas[/name_m], so… I just don’t know :neutral_face:

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I still love [name_m]Nikodim[/name_m] – both with brother name [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] and middle name Zakynthos. If you want to avoid [name_u]Nik[/name_u], I think it’s definitely doable. Either establish a different nickname from the get-go, like [name_u]Niko[/name_u] or whatever you’d prefer, or just be clear that there is no nn. It’s not so long and complex that it can’t be worn in full. :slight_smile:


I really like [name_m]Endymion[/name_m] :blush:

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I think [name_m]Leonidas[/name_m] and [name_m]Laertes[/name_m] go really well together, and if that’s your favorite, go for it!

The first-middle name flow sounds just fine to me. Honestly, I say my kids middle names like three times a year, and then only to doctors’ receptionists who don’t care at all. So don’t discount your favorite name just for them!

Best of luck on some truly original, awesome choices!

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