The name Pasha? Only a boys name?

Ok, so I’ve seen and heard this name, but only have seen it on boys.

Can it fit to be a girls name? Because I think I like it better for a girl.

Please let me know what you think!

It’s strange that you’ve only heard it on a boy (perhaps you have an Eastern European background?) because long ago I knew a French lady named [name]Pascale[/name] who went by the nickname of [name]Pasha[/name]. For that reason, I’ve never thought of it as anything by female. I think the more feminine sound definitely makes it usable as a girls name.

my housemate has a cat named [name]Pasha[/name]. [name]Pasha[/name] is female.

[name]Pasha[/name] does seem like it could work for a girl because of a -a ending but honestly I only think of it in historical terms. [name]Pasha[/name] was the term given to important (male) government officials in the Ottoman Empire, so that’s what I’m reminded of. Sorry, history geek.

[name]Pasha[/name] is a Russian boys name. [name]Just[/name] because a name ends in ‘ah’ doesn’t mean it’s feminine.

  • [name]Charlie[/name]