I’ve seen many posts around here predicting the outcome of polls and similar questions, or saying that Nameberry as a whole has a very distinct taste. So let’s test this! Below is a number of questions relating to names. PM me what you think most people will answer. For every person who sends me the same answer as you, you get 1 point, whoever ends up with the most points is declared Queen/King/Quing of Nameberry wins. I will be accepting entries until 08.08.2021.
Let’s see how alike the hivemind actually thinks!
What’s the best name with 3 letters?
What boys name needs a break?
What is the best variation of Mary?
What’s the longest name you can think of?
Fill in the blanks to make the best possible names!
_ara (g) and _a_ian (b) -
What color is the name Avalon?
Name this person! (first + middle)
Suggest a boy and a girl name to…
… someone who likes Shakespeare
… someone who wants to honor Irish heritage
… someone who already has kids named Scarlett and Edward -
Which of these work on boys?
Faith, Emerson, Leslie, Vivian, Aubrey -
Best city name for girls?
Best animal name for boys?
Best nature name for enbies?
Which question was easiest? (yes, this is part of the challenge)
When you’re done, please reply to this thread so we know how many entries we have! (and so this thread doesn’t get burried ) I hope you all have fun! May the berriest Berry win!